The US-China war does not affect the Thai bond market.


Thai Bond Market Association The US-China War does not affect the Thai bond market. In the short and long term.

million. Tada Pritchida, General Manager Thai Bond Market Association Revealed that the US President has announced an additional $ 200 billion tax on China's trade war. This will not affect the Thai bond market. In the short and long term. It is thought that foreign investors will return to invest. The yield of Thai bonds is higher than that of the United States. If we consider the yield of 10-year Thai government bonds at 2.79%, minus 1% inflation, the real yield is 1.7 to 1.8%, higher than the rate American. 1%

Thai bond yields should be limited in the second half of the year. It is believed that the Bank of Thailand (BOT) maintains the interest rate policy until the end of the year. Although many countries are rising. But inflation remains low in Thailand. And the economy is strong. High current account surplus Having high international reserves. And low external debt. There is no pressure to increase interest rates. I believe that 62 will gradually go up. With the acceleration of inflation. Government Investment And the Thai economy has increased significantly

. "Currently, foreign investors are investing in low yielding Thai bonds.If there is no flow of money, it will not affect.It will be good.Lower burden of the BOT.Do not buy short-term bonds to absorb excess liquidity.But the exit of capital will cease when he can not say.If the baht weakens in the short term. can see that the flow of foreign capital does not affect the rate of return. "

For this year, the issuance of long-term debt. Should increase more than the original goal. The cost of issuing bonds remains low. As a result, the issuance of bonds. To invest in overseas acquisitions and refinance debentures of 200 billion baht in the second half of the year, the private sector is expected to issue debentures worth 400 billion baht. And near last year to 830 million

However. In the first half of the year, the Thai bond market totaled 12.20 billion baht, up 4.24% from 11.56 billion baht at the end of last year . Government bonds amounted to 4.6 billion baht, private bonds to 3.36 billion baht, bonds to 3.27 billion baht, and bonds of state-owned enterprises. 880 billion baht. Same time last year Short-term debt securities grew by more than 30% due to the increase in loans of the same group of companies

. Foreign investment Foreign investors continue to invest in Thai debt. Net purchase value of Baht 4 360 million, making the first half. Foreign investors accumulated a net value of Bt 843 billion in Thai debt securities, or 7.17% of total Thai debt securities.

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