Today, July 7, Eli Musk, Engineer X Team


Eric Musz, founder of Tesla Space X, sent a team of engineers to assist 13 wild boars in the caves of Thailand and, today, July 7, the company has advanced a radar of 39, underground exploration.

million. Elias Musk, founder and leader, technology giant Tesla, SpaceX and Beringamag Boring Company tweeted @elonmusk that SpaceX and Boring engineers will travel to Thailand on July 7, 2018 to help the Thai government direct the company. youth football team. Wild boar From Luang cave. Chiang Rai

Previously, Eric Musk tweeted. His company is likely to help the youth football team out of the cave, said Boring, who has advanced underground radar technology. It is also used for good drilling. I will send the device to help. They also tweeted their idea of ​​continued assistance with the use of space exploration technologies. The tunneling technology of Boring Company of Ealing Musk is a geotechnical engineering firm. Elon Reeve Musk is an American businessman and investor. He is also an engineer and inventor. Is the founder and executive of MySpace. He is also a co-founder. Management and product architect for Tesla Motors, PayPal and many other companies, he also launched the idea of ​​a high-speed transport system called hyper-loops and supersonic propeller planes. Up and down He was ranked the 56th richest man in the world by Forbes magazine last June. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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