According to a new study, people with allergies hide their symptoms from their employers and even lie to their bosses.
The study involving 2,000 Americans examined common feelings associated with allergy symptoms and their impact on personal and professional life.
The results showed that there is some stigma around people with allergies: nearly 47% of allergy sufferers feel ashamed and feel guilty about being off work because of their symptoms .
In addition, one in five even lied to his boss during a day off to deal with his allergic symptoms. The most common reasons: fear of embarrassment and avoid appearing weak in the eyes of his boss.
The study, conducted by OnePoll in collaboration with Trane Residential, examined the stigma, impact and ways to deal with allergic symptoms. She revealed that the majority (54%) of people who had lied to their boss about a day off because of terrible allergic symptoms they did because they did not think it was would be perceived as a legitimate reason to call sick.
Americans harbor these shameful feelings for a variety of reasons. More than half (51%) think that allergy symptoms should not be considered serious.
It turns out that 29% have even taken more than a day of work to treat their allergy symptoms in the comfort of their homes.
Beyond the days off, people with allergies also lose sleep because of their allergies. In fact, the average allergic patient will spend six nights without sleep and will sleep four nights in the guest room.
"What you can not see at home – small particles of dust, pet dander, pollen and airborne bacteria – can have a major impact on your comfort, your health and your performance at work, "said Jay Ayers, product manager at Trane Residential Indoor. Air quality solutions. "It is very important to evaluate the indoor air quality of a home in a holistic way. Look for ways to control the amount of allergens in your space by controlling sources such as dust mites, outdoor pollen, tobacco and candle smoke, and not storing paints or chemicals in the home .
Allergy symptoms are not a joke and can last long enough. It appears that the average allergic patient has symptoms for 11 days of the month. Respondents with allergies reported persistent symptoms for one-third (37%) of a full month during the allergy season.
But what exactly are the different symptoms that allergic people have to deal with during the allergy season? It turns out that the main complaint of people with allergies is sneezing: 81% of them reported suffering from this symptom during the allergy season.
The other reason why people with allergies lose the quality of their eyes is due to coughing. In fact, 52% of allergic people surveyed revealed to be the main cause of their sleepless nights.
Forty-eight percent blame their runny nose for not being able to sleep, while 57% blame their lack of sleep.
But people with allergies are not the only ones to have quality sleep during the allergy season – from January to November. However, everything depends on where you live. That being said, the results revealed that April 12 is the worst day for people with allergies.
In fact, 35% of those surveyed revealed that spring was the worst season for their allergy symptoms. The majority of Americans seem to suffer from allergy symptoms as early as the allergy season. In fact, 74% of Americans have allergy symptoms during the season.
And among those who even have a mild allergy symptom, 59% present what they describe as a moderate level of symptoms, while another one in ten presents with severe symptoms.
"While allergies can be unpredictable, the most effective way to reduce indoor pollutants is to install a good allergy filter or air purifier for the entire house," said Jay Ayers, product manager for Trane indoor air quality solutions.
Top 10 allergy symptoms
Sneeze | 81% |
Runny nose | 74% |
Cluttered nose | 67% |
watering | 65% |
Cough | 56% |
Headache | 47% |
Stuffy head / feeling unwell | 45% |
itching | 42% |
Difficulty breathing | 28% |
Redness | 22% |
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