The # 1 cause of dementia, according to experts


More than 55 million people worldwide suffer from dementia, “a syndrome – usually chronic or progressive in nature – which causes deterioration in cognitive function (i.e. the ability to process thought) beyond of what one might expect from the usual consequences of biological aging, “according to the World Health Organization. Signs of dementia include memory loss, getting lost in familiar places, changes in learning or thinking, and becoming confused at home. There are a number of contributing factors that cause dementia and while there is no cure, there are lifestyle changes that help reduce the risk. Read on to learn more about dementia, what the main cause is, and how to help prevent it – and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You Have Ever Had COVID.

The diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease written on a clipboard

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive disease of the brain that causes memory loss and a decline in social, thinking and behavioral skills. According to Dr Wally Wazni, neurologist and medical director of the Comprehensive Stroke Center with Dignity Health St. Mary’s in Long Beach, it is the leading cause of dementia. He explains, “The most common cause of cognitive decline in adults 35 and older is Alzheimer’s disease. The risk is 2 in 100 people with dementia. As we age, our risk doubles roughly every five years. This means that a person over the age of 90 has a 33% chance of having dementia. He adds: “We have made progress in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Aducanumab is notably approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of mild Alzheimer’s disease. Aduhelm is a beta-amyloid antibody indicated to treat Alzheimer’s disease. Aducanumab reduces beta-amyloid plaques, the accumulation of which is a defining pathophysiological feature of Alzheimer’s disease. Although Aduhelm appears to be very effective in reducing amyloid levels in the brain, it is not certain that patients will actually benefit from the treatment clinically. Plus, aducanumab has known risks that require close monitoring with clinical and imaging evaluations. ”Keep reading to see if you’re at risk.

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Complete the family history section in the medical questionnaire

While there are some changes we can make to reduce the risk of dementia, there are some things we cannot. Dr. Parham Yashar, MD FACS FAANS Board certified neurosurgeon at Dignity Health Northridge Hospital says, “When trying to minimize risk factors for dementia, it’s important to separate the risk factors that you can change from the ones you can’t change. For example, age, family history, or other genetic disorders such as diet and exercise, on the other hand, monitoring your health – treating high blood pressure, diabetes, quitting smoking , getting adequate sleep, avoiding head trauma, maintaining an adequate daily intake of vitamins – are factors you can control to reduce your risk of dementia. “Stay active! Maintain physical activity and exercise; keep your mind active by reading, learning new tasks, doing riddles and other puzzles; maintain a healthy diet and make sure you exercise. get enough rest and get constant, uninterrupted sleep; and treat any underlying medical conditions you may have with the help of your primary care physician.

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nurse disinfecting male arm before blood

With a few key lifestyle changes, we can reduce the risk of dementia according to Dr Michael Hirt, Board Certified Nutrition of Harvard University and Board Certified in Internal Medicine and is a member of the Center for Integrative Medicine in Tarzana, California. He also states that Alzheimer’s disease is the leading cause of dementia, “which is linked to a gene (ApoE4) which in turn can be activated by excess dietary sugar, fat and alcohol. A simple test blood can determine if you have this genetic variant, and if you do, changing your diet today may change your fate tomorrow. ” He recommends the following:

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older woman doing a puzzle

Regular use of your brain and body can be very helpful in keeping your mind sharp as you age. Exercising your brain with puzzles, math games, memory games, and vocabulary games are fun and effective ways to encourage your nerves to connect better and improve thinking and memory. Regular exercise has also been shown to improve brain function. In fact, nothing else… no pill or potion… has ever been so good for you than regular exercise. It goes beyond just being “active” as you walk through your daily life or at home. Exercise means devoting a certain amount of time (at least 30 minutes) to a particular activity. This can include dancing, walking, chair exercises, or more aggressive forms of exercise. Want to add ten years to your life expectancy? Daily exercise for 1 hour, 7 days a week, is the only thing ever proven to extend life, even more so than intermittent fasting.

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salmon and nuts foods rich in omega 3

The brain is primarily made up of DHA fat, the same omega-3 fat found in fish and fish oil supplements. Eating a diet rich in omega-3s or taking a fish oil (or a vegan version) will help give your brain what it needs for maintenance and repairs. The arteries that supply the brain are also susceptible to plaque and related vascular disease, as is the heart. So a heart-healthy, low-fat Mediterranean diet will also keep the smaller but essential arteries in your brain wide open and able to deliver the oxygen and nutrients your brain needs to remember where you left your keys. … Everytime. Finally, here’s what you probably already know, that sugar, alcohol, pesticides, and chemical additives are some of the common poisons that age our brains. This country was built on the motto that if a little is good, then more must be better. Unfortunately, this axiom does not apply to these substances which become all the more toxic the more you ingest them. So eat as much as possible freshly prepared organic foods and look for restaurants and places that serve them. As for sugar and alcohol, keep these toxins under control if you can, and if you can’t, stop them altogether if even a little triggers unhealthy binge eating.

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or a woman with papers or bills and a calculator writing at home

Finally, nothing (and I’m saying nothing) will make you “sicker” than stress. Humans are built for a bucolic lifestyle in the hills tending to our herds and gardens. When threatened, we have the physiological ability to increase our energy and strength to fight or flee. But, too many of us live in this heightened state of stress for days, weeks, months and years. This kind of stress will make you sick like no other poison can. So find your happy place; go there frequently. Meditate, pray, unplug, sing, dance, and laugh as often as you can. These are the strongest ‘drugs’ I can prescribe … and they cost nothing but your attention. “

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Mature man having a medical examination done in the doctor's office.

Dr William Nields, medical director of Cognitive Health Centers in Sarasota, Fla., Said US News, “The symptoms are very subtle at first and almost unnoticeable. For this reason, most people are not diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or one of the many other brain diseases that cause dementia until you are diagnosed with dementia. ‘they have already progressed to their middle stage. ” He also said: “In Alzheimer’s disease, beta-amyloid plaques (tangles of proteins that interfere with normal brain function) can build up in the brain 20 years before dementia and years before dementia. even that symptoms are not present, ”says Nields. Dementia is usually diagnosed after “significant cognitive decline has occurred and a person has difficulty taking care of themselves.”

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Senior Hispanic Man Suffering From Dementia Trying To Dress

Since the symptoms of dementia may be mild at first, it can be difficult to know when to see a doctor, but Dr. Parham Yashar, MD FACS FAANS, certified neurosurgeon from Dignity Health Northridge Hospital, says, “If a patient or family member notices a cognitive change, it’s always a good idea to have a doctor’s evaluation to discuss symptoms. It is best to start with your primary care physician or neurologist for a more thorough and detailed assessment. Currently, only a few treatments are available for Alzheimer’s dementia. Recently the FDA approved a new drug called aducanamab which is an infusion therapy that targets the microscopic beta-amyloid protein in the brain. The drug has been shown in clinical trials to delay clinical decline in people with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Other options include cholinesterase inhibitors such as donepezil and glutamate regulators such as memantine. And to protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit any of these sites. 35 places where you’re most likely to catch COVID.


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