The 9 Best Foods to Help Improve Digestion




Did you know that your gut health could actually be a window into the rest of your health? In recent years, research has linked what’s going on along your digestive tract to a number of health issues, ranging from inflammation, autoimmune disorders, and skin conditions to type 2 diabetes. and brain health. It’s no wonder that gut health has become such a priority in the wellness world.

When it comes to keeping your gut healthy, what you eat (or don’t eat) plays a major role.

“While there is no one ‘right’ way to eat or one ‘gut healthy’ diet, eating plant-based foods on a regular basis will be good for you and your digestion,” Megan explains. Rossi, Ph.D, RD, also known as The Doctor of Gut Health. “My best advice when it comes to what you eat is diversify your diet,” she adds. Eating “a variety of foods means a variety of foods for the bacteria that naturally live in your gut, which is your gut microbiome,” says Amanda Sauceda, MS, RD.

While variety is key, eating enough high-fiber foods, which – unsurprisingly – come from plants, can keep your digestive system regular (if you know what we mean!). Studies have shown that vegetarian and vegan diets lead to a more diverse and healthy gut microbiome than omnivorous diets. Lacey Dunn, MS, RDN, owner of Uplift Fit Nutrition also recommends “limiting your intake of processed foods, refined grains, and artificial preservatives which can be troublesome for your gut and cause digestive upset.”

While no single food makes or destroys your digestive health, there are some that come out on top when it comes to taking care of your gut. We’ve rounded up some of the best foods to include in your diet to aid digestion, and how to use them.

Related: The Best And Worst Diets For Gut Health, According To Research

The best foods for digestion


“What I love about oats is that it’s a prebiotic food, it’s inexpensive, and it can be used for a variety of recipes, from your bowl of flakes. oatmeal in the morning to an ingredient in your banana bread, ”says Sauceda. Prebiotics are basically food for the good bacteria that live in your gut and keep your digestive system on track. Make one of our healthy oatmeal for breakfast. For a tasty option, try salted oatmeal with cheddar cheese, cabbage, and eggs.

Related: The # 1 Food You Should Eat For Breakfast, According To Dietitian


Sauerkraut and other fermented foods contain probiotics, which help replenish the inevitable loss of good bacteria in your gut (whether due to stress, certain medications, or even environmental factors). Probiotics have been shown to reduce bloating, gas, and other unwanted digestive symptoms. Just as eating a variety of foods is important for a healthy digestive system, so are a variety of strains of probiotics (there are hundreds, if not thousands!).

One analysis showed that sauerkraut contains up to 28 different strains, which is more than what you will find in most other foods rich in probiotics or any other supplement. And you don’t need a lot of sauerkraut to get any benefits; one serving is usually only 2 tablespoons and can be added to anything from sandwiches to cereal bowls. Try our apple, sauerkraut and cheddar quesadillas.


Pineapple is not only a delicious fruit to taste, it can also promote healthy digestion thanks to the digestive enzyme it contains, called bromelain. Bromelain is known to break down proteins in the foods we eat. , thereby easing the digestive process, leaving you less likely to feel gassy and bloated, “says Kathleen Oswalt, RDN, owner of eatloveTRIATHLON. Bromelain has also been shown to potentially counteract certain intestinal pathogens, reducing diarrhea and other digestive symptoms for some.

Chia seeds

These tiny seeds are an incredible source of fiber. Just 1 ounce (about 2 tablespoons) contains 11 grams of fiber, which is over a third of the recommended daily amount. It’s the soluble fiber that helps them make a pudding-like texture when soaked in liquid, and that same fiber helps absorb water in your gut. “This type of fiber not only helps promote and support beneficial bacteria in your gut, but it can also reduce constipation by promoting healthy, regular bowel movements,” Oswalt explains. Try our Mango Coconut Chia Pudding for an easy to digest breakfast or snack.

Related: The # 1 Food To Help You Poop, According To Dietitian


“Apples contain a fiber called pectin, which is very subtle on the gut compared to others like chicory root or inulin, which can cause excessive bloating or abdominal discomfort in people with digestive disorders. “says Andrew Akhaphong, MS, RD, LD. Pectin has also been shown to provide protective benefits in the lining of the intestine, potentially preventing unwanted pathogens from entering, and may improve nutrient absorption. All varieties offer similar benefits, so choose the ones you prefer.


The beans, the beans, the magic fruit … you know how the rest goes. But this slightly nasty side effect is actually a normal, positive response to consuming a fiber called oligosaccharides. The fiber in beans is fermented by the good bacteria in your gut, allowing them to do their important job of allowing nutrients to enter your bloodstream and keeping toxins out. “Cans of mixed beans are one of my best staples. In fact, one of my top tips for increasing your fiber and plant diversity intake is to go for mixed beans with three or four types. different, instead of just kidney beans, ”says Rossi. .


Broccoli, along with other cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts, have been linked to better digestive health and microbiota diversity in your gut. Cruciferous vegetables are also known to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer and inflammation of the colon. It is believed that intestinal fermentation of the prebiotic fiber in these vegetables helps form short chain fatty acids which can reduce inflammation. It can come with a gassy side, so if you don’t already eat cruciferous vegetables on a regular basis, add them to your diet in small amounts to start.


Bananas, especially the less ripe ones, contain resistant starch, which can feed the good bacteria in your gut, thereby improving the gut microbiome. As they mature, the resistant starch turns into sugar, but there is some beneficial starch left. Bananas are such a versatile fruit, so get creative with the way you eat them – for breakfast, as a pre-workout snack, or dipped in chocolate or nut butter for dessert.

The water

Okay, so we know it’s technically not a food, but we couldn’t ignore the importance of hydration for healthy digestion. “Fluids help break down the foods you eat so your body can absorb these nutrients to keep you healthy,” says Oswalt. Water and fiber work together to help keep you regular. “Fiber draws fluid into the colon to help produce softer, larger stools that are easier to pass,” says Oswalt. Sometimes, if people increase their fiber intake too quickly and don’t drink enough water, they can also fight digestive symptoms. So drink! Don’t like plain water? Try adding fresh fruit, citrus, or herbs to enhance the flavor.

The bottom line

A diverse diet rich in plants is the best way to promote healthy digestion. But adding these specific foods can give your gut a little extra boost. It’s also important to remember that “gut health isn’t just about what you eat. Sleep, stress, and exercise can also have a big impact,” says Rossi. So, consider your entire lifestyle and make sure to fight sleep, stress, and movement, in addition to food, for better digestive health.


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