The anti-Vaxxers are at the limit of the far right line


Often, sometimes several times a day, users of a Facebook anti-vaccination group publish a link to a 2017 article on vaccine laws in Sweden.

"Nice!", A member of the group subtitled the article last week.

"Incredible", "interesting," wrote two people who shared the article in the group of 150,000 members the same day, late January.

The article does not come from a medical information source, or even from another anti-vaccine group. It came from a white supremacist website, Red Ice.

The anti-vaxxer movement, made up of people who mistakenly believe that vaccines are dangerous, is upward. In 2019, the World Health Organization ranked "vaccine hesitancy" among the top 10 threats to global health, the first time that it was on the list. The move is believed to have contributed to the ongoing measles epidemics worldwide, including about 70 people in the state of Washington. But that's not all that is spreading. Like other conspiracy movements, the anti-vaxxer movement rubbed shoulders with the far right.

New studies reveal that vaccine skepticism is a powerful predictor of populist politics in Europe, where many populist candidates are extremely straightforward. And the marginalized media profit from the sympathy of the anti-vax movement, pushing even more extreme conspiracy theories under cover of vaccine skepticism.

The White supremacist website Red Ice has published at least 100 articles and radio clips denouncing vaccines in recent years. Links to these articles appear regularly in closed anti-vaxxer Facebook groups, some of which have more than 150,000 members. Unlike Facebook pages, which any user can read, these closed groups can be hotbeds of political activity and harassment, in which members coordinate their attacks against doctors and activists who support vaccination. guardian reported.

Right-wing news sites can find a serious audience in these very active conspiracy communities. A 2017 article in Red Ice has toured several major anti-vax groups, sometimes accumulating over 1,000 "likes". Although the article skews the right wing (he praises an excerpt from Tucker Carlson's show) and alarmist (vaccines "can seriously harm your child"), it's not a white supremacist. But if anti-vaxxers chose to explore the rest of the site, they would find a white supremacist swamp, filled with anti-immigrant and Islamophobic anxieties.

Most anti-vaxxers are not white supremacists, far from it. But the overlap can send well-intentioned parents into the rabbit's burrow. Right-wing extremist groups often engage in "entreanism", a tactic of inculcating extremist ideology into a sympathetic dominant group and then slowly radicalizing its members. The tactic works well in groups such as the anti-vax community.

On their surface, anti-vax claims take advantage of populist grievances with bipartisan support; In the United States, where health care can be very expensive, vaccines are sometimes seen as an extension of well-funded pharmaceutical companies. But the world of conservative-style conspiracy sites is pushing claims further. Red Ice, Infowars and their peers rely on the mistrust of pharmaceutical companies to claim that vaccines are part of a global domination ploy devised by a gloomy global elite. As these claims generally claim, conspiracy theory becomes anti-Semitic, with white supremacists interpreting "elite" as meaning the Jewish people.


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