The AOC denounces the "myth" of low-paying jobs in an emotional tweet


In a moving emotion, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shared her feelings about moving from waitress service to a congressman position – and protesting the shame of low-paying jobs on Twitter.

"Moving from the waitress a year ago to now involves a LOT of life adjustments," said the New York Dem. tweeted Saturday. "But 3 paychecks have shown me how one of the biggest scams in the United States is the idea that the financial fight is due to" a bad character ".

"It's a huge myth designed to prevent people from taking charge of themselves."

At the time when the Congressional recruit was serving meals and clearing the tables, "I woke up loudly while sleeping, worried about forgetting if an invoice was paid or if I had enough money to pay for it. money to pay a doctor in money. It was because I was "irresponsible?" No. It's because I did not get a living wage, the cost of living skyrocketing. "

She adds, "I am now facing a huge income-to-life transition with tips (a very difficult salary every week). & I have HEALTH INSURANCE, which means now that I have less expenses. According to the banks, I would be more "responsible", but my character has not changed. Just my maths. "

AOC claimed that those with financial problems should not be labeled irresponsible.

"The myth that bad credit or hardship = irresponsibility is an odious myth," she tweeted.

"Paying people less than what is necessary to live is what is really irresponsible. GDP and costs are rising, but not wages. It does not mean you are bad. This means that workers are designed to fail. "


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