The Apollo 11 astronauts had to go through customs after returning to Earth. Buzz Aldrin shares the proof


The Apollo astronauts cleared customs after returning from the moon.  Buzz Aldrin shares a form photo

Astronaut Edwin’s tweet “Buzz” Aldrin quickly went viral on social media. (File)

On July 20, 1969, the world eagerly watched man set foot on the moon. And you would think that the men who created such a story would have received a warm welcome on Earth. They did, but only after going through a customs form once they got home. And netizens heard it straight from the horse’s mouth when astronaut Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin shared an image of the customs form he and the crew had to fill out when they landed. Buzz Aldrin was the second man to walk on the moon and was accompanied by Neil Armstrong – the first man to walk on the moon – on the Apollo 11 lunar module, Eagle.

Sharing this important anecdote with netizens, Mr. Aldrin wrote with the photo: “Imagine spending eight days in space, including nearly 22 hours on the Moon and returning home to Earth to have to go through customs. Apollo11.

The photo shows a form titled “General Declaration” and is dated July 24, 1969. The owner or operator is listed as National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the document contains details about Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Aldrin as well than Michael Collins who was aboard the Apollo 11 spacecraft, with their signatures. Under the cargo category, the form lists the “moon rock and moon dust samples” that the team brought back to Earth.

Mr Aldrin’s tweet quickly went viral on social media, with users expressing their admiration and happiness at the chance to get a glimpse of the interesting document.

In response to the tweet, one user noted that a question titled “Other conditions on board that could lead to the spread of disease? Was answered as “To be determined”. Regarding this, the user insolently commented, “The men of the moon could have given the crew a moon cold with moon cheese.”

To this, another follower replied that the trio had in fact been quarantined upon their return and shared an image of the same. “Fun fact: there was real concern that they might have brought viruses with them…” he read.

This person took the opportunity to share how a family member had also been part of the team that worked on the historic journey to the Moon.

One follower wondered if the trio would be referred to Moon if he refused to complete the form.

Maybe it was a trick to get their autographs, another said. After all, they are history makers.

“Better list of destinations,” pointed out another user.

According to a report from, the form was posted on the US Customs and Border Protection website in 2009. It was released to mark the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission. authenticity of the document on the website, NASA spokesman John Yembrick said, “Yes, it is genuine. It was a little joke at the time.

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