With the Black Friday and Cyber Monday offers in the rearview mirror, the purchase of a new phone or a new tablet does not interest you anytime soon. But the discounts are far from over at B & H Photo Video, where you can buy a (relatively) affordable gadget, which has not made a lot of headlines lately.
This time you can save $ 330 on the catalog price of a 2017 iPad Pro 12.9 model with 256GB of storage space and Wi-Fi and 4G LTE connectivity. At $ 749, instead of $ 1,079, you can choose between the silver, gold and gray color space options, but you may want to hurry because the inventory is listed as "limited" at this price reduced and the special offer will expire at 4:15 pm ET on Friday, November 30th.
At the time of writing these lines, the three models on sale appear to be out of stock, but B & H has "more" units "en route", promising to respond to new orders within a timeframe. 7 to 10 working days.
To understand how strong this deal is, we should probably remind you that the upgraded 12.9-inch iPad Pro costs 999 USD with 64 digital hoarding room mockups and no LTE support. Even the 11 inches of this year start at $ 799 in a similar configuration.
Admittedly, last year's 12.9-inch iPad Pro is far from being as stylish, compact, or powerful, but it remains an exceptionally productive, versatile, and durable tablet with a respectable Apple processor A10X under the hood and a superb retina of 2732 x 2048 display in tow.
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