The Arizona governor pledges to veto any bill likely to reduce vaccinations


Governor of Arizona, Doug Ducey (R), said this week that he was "supportive of vaccination" and pledged not to sign any bills passed by the legislature. the state likely to reduce vaccinations, claiming that its condition is "favorable to vaccination".

"Traditionally, I do not comment on bills being passed by the Legislative Assembly," Ducey told reporters Wednesday, according to The Arizona Republic. "But because it concerns public health, I think it's important for people to know that we are acting in favor of vaccination in the state of Arizona." Vaccines are good for our children and useful for public health. "

His comments came after the Arizona House Health and Social Services Committee approved three bills last week to expand exemptions for mandatory vaccinations.

Mr. Ducey did not comment publicly on the details of the bills, but said he would veto any legislation that endangers public health, the newspaper said. He said that he would not sign anything that does not promote vaccinations.

"I am supportive of immunization, I am anti-measles, I want to see fewer people exposed to measles and other things we have spent for decades, thanks to research and development in the medical industry and health care, thus making our country a better place and a safer place to live, "said Ducey.

The five Republican members of the committee voted in favor of the adoption of these measures, which the committee approved five to four, despite warnings from public health officials.

The state currently allows parents to request exemptions from non-medical personal beliefs for the immunization of K-12 schoolchildren.

A bill would expand the vaccine exemption categories and remove the requirement for parents to sign a form from the state's health department to obtain the vaccine exemption, reports the Republic.

Another bill requires doctors to offer parents a "title of antibody" blood test to determine if the child is already immune to a disease or if he needs the vaccine. Critics say the tests are unreliable and difficult to interpret.

The third measure, a bill on informed consent, would require doctors to provide parents with an additional 30 pages containing information on vaccine ingredients and associated risks.

Representative of Arizona, Nancy Barto (right), chair of the committee that sponsored the three bills, said they were supposed to promote the rights of parents, the newspaper said.

"We are here to recognize that vaccines have a place, but every parent has the right to decide the vaccine's place in the child's life," Barto said.

The committee's vote comes amid measles outbreaks in the Pacific Northwest and New York State.

An outbreak in Clark County, Washington State, led the state to declare a public health emergency. The county was described as a "hot spot" anti-vaccination and had 68 confirmed cases on Friday, mostly among those who were not immunized against the infection.

So far in 2019, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have reported measles cases in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, New York, in Oregon and Texas.


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