The Benefits of Low Carb Breakfast Highlighted in a Type 2 Diabetes Study


Limiting carbohydrate intake at breakfast could be beneficial for controlling type 2 diabetes, said a South American researcher.

Associate Professor Jonathan Little of the University of British Columbia recommended that people with type 2 diabetes avoid traditional high carbohydrate breakfast foods such as cereals and toast.

He studied low carb and high fat diets and discovered that eating a nutritious and low carb breakfast resulted in a better blood sugar all day long compared to high carbohydrate lunches.

The trial involved 23 people with type 2 diabetes following a two-day meal plan. They received an omelet for breakfast the first day, then oatmeal and fruit the next day. An identical lunch and dinner was provided on both days.

They were all equipped with a continuous blood glucose meter that showed their blood sugar peaks throughout the day. Participants were also asked to report hunger pains and to indicate if they wanted to snack during the two days.

Professor Little said: "The peak blood glucose level following breakfast is due to the combination of insulin resistance in the morning in people with type 2 diabetes, and because of carbohydrates. .

"We expected to limit carbohydrate to less than 10% at breakfast would help prevent the peak after this meal, but we are a little surprised that this has a sufficient effect and that the overall control of blood glucose and stability are improved.

"We know that large fluctuations in blood sugar levels damage our blood vessels, our eyes, and our kidneys." Including a very low carb and high fat breakfast in type 2 diabetes may constitute a convenient and simple way to target peak morning high glycemic glucose and reduce the associated complications ".

The study, published in the American Journal of Nutrition, also supports other research that also found that the low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet helped better control type 2 diabetes.

The one-year findings of our award-winning Low Carb program revealed that 26% of users with type 2 diabetes had achieved remission, defined as bringing HbA1c back to a normal level while not taking any medication. hypoglycemic or simply taking metformin.


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