The best exercises to correct your posture



Yoga is a workout that can help improve your posture.

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You might not think about your posture when you workout, but the truth is some guys exercise improve posture better than others. Although you may be more concerned with how several kilometers you can enter, or how you improve your bodybuilding play – posture is an important factor in exercise and daily life.

“Taking the time to improve your posture will allow you to get in better shape every day, improve balance and weight distribution, especially during exercise, and minimize the risk of injury and muscle fatigue. “says Lee Jay, graduate personal trainer and Pilates instructor.

Some workouts can help you be successful with better posture, especially those like Pilates and yoga which focus on alignment and working the muscles in a balanced way. If you’re looking for workouts that can help you improve your posture, continue reading below to find out which workout is right for you.

Pilates exercises for better posture

Pilates classes are low impact, but very difficult workouts. Pilates classes also focus on form and correct alignment, which is beneficial for your posture. “As a Pilates mat instructor, I constantly preach the importance of good posture. Pilates is one of the most effective forms of movement to not only improve, but also bring attention to the body. way we sit, we get up and even we lie down, ”Jay says.

Pilates exercises Jay recommends for better posture include:

Torsion of the spine

“[The spine twist] promotes elongation of the upper spine and engages the abdominal muscles in a stable sitting position, while dropping the shoulders and engaging the stomach. Thanks to the stability of the pelvis, the body is able to twist along the central vertical axis to improve flexibility along the spine, while training the body to maintain good shape. “

Inverted plank bridge

“Lengthens and straightens the lower back, and also corrects rounded shoulders. When the chest opens, the shoulders round the back and the spine aligns. This exercise is effective for targeting the major muscle groups responsible for a good posture, including rhomboids, front deltoids and hip flexors. “

Shoulder bridge

“In the ascending phase, the weight is evenly distributed between the feet as you lift and lift the glutes, bringing the hips above the rib cage. Raising the arm above the head encourages the spine to stay long and the shoulders to drop from the ears. In the descending phase, the spine drops one vertebra at a time, like a moving bicycle chain, as the arms lower and the glutes rest on the mat with the back printed. “

Barre exercises for better posture

Barre classes have both dance and pilates fundamentals, which means the focus is usually on the basics. “Strong abs are essential for protecting the lower back, as well as helping with better posture,” says Andrea Rogers, Founder and CEO of Xtend bar.

Heel lifts

Barre classes are total body workouts, but Jay says that one movement that most barre classes incorporate that can really benefit posture is heel augmentation. When you lift your heels in some exercises, you work the muscles in your feet and legs, which can promote good posture.

“The heel lift can help place the feet in a position that encourages the rest of the body to align. When the heels lift, the muscles kick in as the pelvis flexes, the quadriceps engage to strengthen the heels. knees, arms rise above head, pulling shoulders away from ears and aligning spine, ”Jay says.

Yoga exercises for better posture

With an emphasis on flexibility, strength, and balance, yoga is a great addition to almost any exercise or lifestyle. In terms of postural benefits, yoga is a favorite since the core and back muscles are engaged, and many “slouch” muscles are countered by opening chest and upper body poses.

Cobra pose

Jay enjoys the cobra pose because it is “a great movement to reverse the ‘sagging effect”, increase lung capacity, and relieve tension and stress in the body. After the cobra, you naturally tend to stand taller, ”Jay says.

“Starting in a prone position, slide the hands out to the side as the elbows enter the rib cage. The entire body is engaged as the shoulders move back and the upper part lifts off the floor, opening the chest and stretching the spine, improving flexibility in that area. ”

Strength exercises for better posture

The key to strength training for better posture is making sure that you incorporate posture-targeted movements into your routines. Full-body strength training routines are great for making sure you are hitting all muscle groups for better posture.

“The posture consists of a chain of muscle groups that come into play throughout the body. From the feet to the hamstrings, through the large muscles of the back, the shoulder girdle and the head, the body is a chain in which a wrong link can cause a fault elsewhere, ”Jay says.


“Doing a deadlift in the proper form will help promote excellent daily posture as it targets the posterior chain. The weight doesn’t necessarily have to be heavy to reap the benefits of this move, ”Jay says.

The information in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended for health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have about a medical condition or health goals.


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