The best masks for speaking clearly


“Excuse me, what was it again?” It’s a phrase I repeat a lot these days.

My hearing is not that bad. So if I am struggling to understand others during the pandemic, how must it be for elderly grandparents and other hearing impaired people, especially with so many people being double-masked?

A new study published in PLOS One on Wednesday addressed the issue by comparing four ways to hide: use two different types of fabric masks, a surgical mask and an N95 mask, which filters out 95% of tiny virus particles. The study did not examine double masking.
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“In the context of the pandemic, we were motivated to take a closer look at this issue, as there was little previous research on how different types of masks affect speech,” said study author Joseph Toscano, assistant professor of psychological and brain sciences. directs the cognitive science program at Villanova University in Pennsylvania.

“In high levels of background noise, the surgical mask has been shown to interfere the least with speech recognition,” said Dr. Jawad Fares, postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Neurological Surgery at Northwestern’s Feinberg School of Medicine. University of Chicago.

“The results of the study are important in light of the current pandemic, as they recognize the communication challenges we face,” said Fares, who was not involved in the study.

Global problem

Statistics have shown that nearly 25% of people aged 65 to 74 and 50% of people over 75 in the United States have crippling hearing loss – where they could not hear a vacuum cleaner, a barking dog. or even the cry of a baby.
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And it’s not just the elderly. Globally, some 466 million people suffer from disabling hearing loss – 34 million are children, according to the World Health Organization. One in eight people in the United States aged 12 or older has some form of hearing loss in both ears.

Many people with hearing loss – and even others who don’t – rely on lip reading for conversational speech. This tool, of course, is being suppressed by the use of masks during the pandemic.

The good news is that when background noise was limited, as is typical of many everyday settings, the study found that fabric, surgical, and N95 masks were effective in transmitting speech, Toscano said.

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When the background noise was loud enough that it could interfere with speech understanding, “we found that a surgical mask worked better than other masks for communication,” Toscano said.

“The finding that surgical masks pose less of a problem than cloth masks or N95 masks is interesting,” said Tucci of NIDCD. “However, these (surgical masks) are not always available to the public, and certainly at the beginning the use of these masks was discouraged so as not to interfere with the supply for use in medical facilities.”

Surgical masks

Designed for use by surgeons and other healthcare professionals, surgical-grade masks are disposable, loose-fitting devices intended to “help block large particle droplets, splashes, sprays, or splashes that may contain germs ( virus and bacteria), it reaches your mouth and nose, ”according to the United States Food and Drug Administration.

Real medical grade masks are made of three layers of non-woven fabric, usually plastic. The colorful top layer of the fabric is made of medical grade spunbonded polypropylene, which is a resin polymer heat-bonded in a weft-like structure.

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Surgical masks also have small, bendable wires to help the mask stay in place, and are often tied behind the head or secured with ear ties. These masks are for single use. If they become soiled or if breathing becomes difficult, the mask should be carefully discarded and replaced, the FDA said.

Clear masks are also an option

The NIDCD and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest that teachers and caregivers wear clear face masks or fabric masks with a clear plastic panel when interacting with young children learning to read, students learning new languages ​​or people with hearing loss or disability.

This would certainly apply to caregiving in hospitals, nursing homes, and long-term care facilities, as well as mixed generation families. Now, it looks like there might be a new option, Tucci said, as the study found that “intelligibility is better with surgical masks.”

“It should be emphasized to the public that if they have difficulty communicating – for example if they have a close family member or friend who has difficulty hearing – it would be worth getting some surgical masks or masks with a transparent panel to see if that helps, ”she says.

Useful tips

There are also many other ways to improve communication.

First of all, try to avoid loud background noises. Turn off the television, music, and other distractions, or move to a quieter location.

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Modulate your voice so that your speech is deliberately clear and precise. This approach was just as easy to understand with a mask on as it was when the mask was off, a separate new study published in Cognition found. Talking this way is much more understandable than informal or emotional and rushed speech.
“Changing speech rate and vocal intensity is also helpful,” said Fares, who co-authored a December 2020 study on coping strategies to facilitate communication with face masks.

It means slowing down the pace of your speech, even when you are excited or upset.

Speak face to face. Another good technique is to “face the communications partner directly,” Fares said. This ensures that “the communicator has the attention of the receiver while nothing is blocking the visual field between them”.

Use non-verbal cues. This is essential for clear communication, the experts said.

Face masks only cover the middle and lower parts of the face, Fares said, so speakers can use their eyebrows, eyes and upper cheeks to improve comprehension.

Surgical masks were best for communicating in noisier environments, according to the study.

“For example, the emotion of happiness is usually seen when the corners of the lips lift up. With face masks, happiness can be captured on the face by focusing on the wrinkles at the edges of the eyes,” Fares said. “The eyebrows, in particular, have been shown to help convey emotional expression and non-verbal communication.”

Take sadness, for example. People tend to lift the inner corners of the eyebrows, with loose lids, Fares explained.

“The expression of anger emphasizes the downward and central movement of the eyebrows and dazzling eyes. The expressions of surprise and shock, however, are usually formed from raised eyebrows,” he said.

Body movement can also facilitate communication. Accept your head, lift a finger to ask for a chance to speak, or lean forward to show your commitment. Watch the other person closely for any signs of confusion, such as lack of eye contact or sagging body.

Don’t be afraid to stop and ask the other person if they are having problems. Make sure they understand the conversation, recommends NIDCD. It is also possible to write something or use a text chat app on a smartphone to facilitate communications.

Do not take off your masks. Whatever you do, don’t do it, experts say.

“First and foremost, the focus should be on the effectiveness of the masks in preventing the spread of the virus,” Toscano said. “Our study suggests that concerns about voice communication, by themselves, do not provide a compelling reason not to wear a mask in an everyday setting.”


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