The best supplements for the brain: it has been proven that vitamin B12 stimulates brain function


Supplements could be used to build brain capacity, improve concentration and concentration, improve productivity levels and learning abilities. With so many supplement options available, it's easy to bother to know which of the two might be most useful and which ones are ineffective. B vitamins are well known for improving energy, concentration and alertness. Essentially, B vitamins are involved in everything, including the conversion of nutrients into neurotransmitters like serotonin. B vitamins help with more resilience and better cognitive abilities such as better concentration and improved memory. In fact, people with vitamin B deficiency have demonstrated slower learning abilities, reduced energy and are more prone to distractions.

Vitamin B12 is involved in the functioning and development of the brain, nerve cells, myelin sheaths that protect the nerves and blood cells.

Sometimes vitamin B12 is used to treat memory loss, concentration problems and even Alzheimer's disease.

Scientists have long studied how cobalamin deficiency could affect cognitive brain function and even increase the risk of dementia.

In Alzheimer's disease, the most common cause of dementia, low serum vitamin B12, can be misleading.

In a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health of the United States, the National Library of Medicine, we studied the cognitive pattern of vitamin B12 deficiency and its comparison with that of Alzheimer's disease.

The study involved 19 patients with low levels of vitamin B12 and had been evaluated before treatment and one year later.

The results were compared to those of 10 healthy control subjects and the final results suggested that there is a different trend in both diseases.

The study concluded that a deficiency of cobalamin could result in reversible dementia in elderly patients.

According to an expert from Mayo Clinic, a sufficient vitamin B12 diet can help improve memory.

However, it has also been noted that having a higher intake in B12 does not show evidence that a higher intake would have positive effects.

Research has shown promising results that vitamin B12, along with omega-3 fatty acids, may slow cognitive decline in people with early Alzheimer's.

For those who fear a vitamin B12 deficiency, those who wish to improve their brain function and possibly avoid dementia, adding a B12 supplement to your diet could make all the difference.

Foods such as eggs, cheese, beef, chicken and milk also contain vitamin B12. It may be interesting to add it to your diet.


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