The CBS interview with William Barr was full of smears and lies.


William Barr.

Attorney General William Barr in Anchorage, Alaska on Wednesday.

Yereth Rosen / Reuters

Attorney General William Barr says that he is trying to conclude the investigation on Russia with fairness and honesty. "We live in a hyper-partisan age," Barr told CBS News' Jan Crawford in a recorded interview on Thursday. "I will make the decisions according to the law and the facts." But the 45-minute interview, which CBS aired on Friday, is full of lies and lies. He exposes Barr as the agent of President Donald Trump.

Barr asserts that Trump did not prevent justice from being hindered in the investigation, despite the report of the special advocate Robert Mueller, who details nearly a dozen acts of obstructions committed by the President. To date, Barr has not provided any written basis to support its findings and no point-to-point rebuttal of Mueller's testimony. Instead, Barr fired the Department of Justice on Trump's investigators. Two weeks ago Barr told Fox News that if he was Trump, "I would feel comfortable saying it was a witch hunt."

In his interview with Thursday, Crawford questioned Barr on the decision made in 2016 by former FBI officials, including the then director, James Comey, to investigate contacts between actors affiliated with Russia and people participating in the Trump campaign. "Mueller has spent two and a half years," said Barr. "And the fact is that there is no evidence of conspiracy. So it was wrong. The whole idea that Trump had relations with the Russians is false. "

Barr addresses only one of Trump's multiple efforts to interfere in the investigation.

False? For starters, Mueller was appointed on May 17, 2017, almost exactly two years ago. The phrase "two and a half years" comes from Trump's representatives, who have been distributing it for months. Barr's description of the final outcome of the collusion report – "no evidence" – also captures Trump's behavior. In fact, Mueller has reported that there is was the evidence, but that it "did not establish that the Campaign had co-ordinated or conspired" in two specific Russian operations: the dissemination of false information to influence the election and piracy and the spreading of Democratic e-mails. Mueller concluded that "the survey has established multiple links between Trump campaigners and individuals related to the Russian government. These links included offers of assistance from Russia to the campaign. Mueller added that "in some cases, the campaign has been receptive to this offer".

In the interview, Barr addresses only one of Trump's many efforts to interfere in the investigation. He asserts that Trump's removal of Comey in May 2017 can not be a hindrance to justice because "we do not believe that the dismissal of an agency official can have the objective, objective effect of sabotaging a procedure".

It's absurd. Mueller's report documents a direct attempt by Trump, through Comey, to sabotage a procedure. In February 2017, Trump kicked everyone out of the oval office so he could talk to Comey alone. Trump takes this opportunity to ask Comey to end the FBI's investigation of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who was caught lying about his contacts with Russia. Mueller reported that just before this meeting, Trump had told a friend that getting rid of Flynn would end the investigation on Russia. But Comey continued the investigation and Trump fired him. This is a prima facie case of intent to sabotage the investigation.

Barr does not only affirm Trump's innocence. He says there is no evidence that Trump is damaging US institutions. "People say it's President Trump who is destroying our institutions. I really do not see any evidence of that, "Barr told Crawford. According to Barr, the real "shredding of our norms and institutions" comes from "the idea of ​​resisting a democratically elected president and throwing everything at him."

Once again, it's the trick of Trump Camp. And again, that goes against the Mueller report. In addition to Trump's attempt to subvert the Flynn investigation, the report explains how Trump sent messages in the past to Attorney General Jeff Sessions of the time in order to abort the Russian investigation, a attempted to overturn the challenge of Sessions, attempted to conceal the Trump Tower meeting between The Russians and his senior campaigners attempted to fire Mueller and attempted to create a false testimony that he had not attempted to return Mueller. Each of these incidents is a documented assault on US institutions. Barr's assertion that he saw no evidence of such assaults is in fact an admission that the Attorney General did not read or refuse to accept the report.

While denying any evidence of Trump's corruption, Barr insinuates that his investigators behaved badly. "The use of foreign intelligence capabilities and counterintelligence capabilities against a US political campaign is unprecedented. And it's a serious red line that has been crossed, "Barr told Crawford. "I have not received any satisfactory answers," he said of the investigators' conduct. "Some of the facts I learned are not correlated with official explanations." Mr. Barr does not explain why he is basing his criticism, which apparently results from an ongoing internal investigation by investigators. Nor does he reject Trump's claims that investigators have betrayed their country. When Crawford asked him if Comey and other senior FBI officials had "committed treason," as Trump claims, Barr replied: legal matter. "

Throughout this performance, Barr has been described as an honest man trying to silence balloons and strikes in a crazy world. He lamented that others do not share his objectivity. "Sometimes people can convince themselves that what they are doing is in the best interests," he told Crawford. "Sometimes they can examine the evidence and the facts through a biased prism that they do not realize themselves." If Barr is lucky, he will be remembered as one of those people – not an accomplice who lied.


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