The CDC has misrepresented our data on school reopens


When the CDC released its latest set of pandemic guidelines, many were disappointed, to say the least. The revised rules were particularly reckless on the subject of reopening schools, leaving far too much leeway for teachers’ unions to keep them closed far into the future, or to conduct virtual learning instead of returning to classrooms. classroom. What Dr Fauci and CDC leaders probably weren’t counting on was being challenged on the basis of the science they were supposed to rely on to guide them. And the challenge in question doesn’t come from a wheelchair quarterback, either. Dr Tara O. Henderson, Dr Monica Gandhi, Dr Tracy Beth Hoeg and Dr Daniel Johnson are four of the doctors who have conducted one of the major studies on the pandemic in Wisconsin and it is their work cited by the CDC. . Now they have published an op-ed criticizing the health agency for “misinterpreting” the data and calling for all schools to reopen for in-person classes. (USA today)

The recent school reopening guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are an example of fears that influence and misinterpret harmful science and policies. In the United States, 50% of schools are closed and more than partially open. President Biden has launched a campaign stating that science and data will guide his policy. As we approach the anniversary of the first COVID shutdown, this approach is needed more than ever, especially when it comes to schools.

As in many states, schools in California and Illinois are blocked by CDC guidelines. The guide does not take into account the data we have on the low transmission of the disease in schools. While the guide cites work in Wisconsin districts done by our group and published in the MMWR, it also does not take into account this data and the new analysis of this data set. Keeping schools closed or even partially closed, based on what we now know is unwarranted, harms children and has become a human rights issue.

Ouch! It must have stung a bit.

From there, medics hit the CDC with a barrage of facts that have now been clearly established. They first note that children are the least likely to suffer poorly from COVID. As of March 3, 286 children had died from COVID, compared to more than half a million adults. This is on par with the number of children who die from pneumonia each year. And at this point, we are losing more children to suicide than to the new coronavirus.

They then point out that transmission rates in schools are woefully low. They cite a community in Wisconsin where the test positivity rate has reached over 40%. But of the roughly 5,000 students and 654 staff participating in classroom instruction with minimal precautions, only seven students tested positive during the study. And no teacher has contracted the disease. They go on to say that there is no data to justify the need for six feet of social distancing in schools, a requirement that prevents almost all schools from fully reopening. Doctors provide data showing that three feet of separation is enough.

After accumulating more data from several studies, doctors proclaim that “we must act for children”. At a minimum, many of them receive inadequate educational support or, in some cases, none at all. But beyond the delay in their studies, school closures have a mental and emotional impact on children. As already noted above, suicide rates among children are increasing at an alarming rate, largely due to a lack of social interaction.

The reason politicians and their CDC minions are too timid about demands to reopen schools is because they are afraid and beholden to teachers’ unions. And unions don’t want to go back to class until a list of demands is met, including things that are not required based on this data. Joe Biden and Democrats claim to be the “science party” that will “follow” the data as it develops a response to the pandemic. Good? Here is the data, directly from the mouths of the researchers.

It is time to completely reopen the schools. Any other failure or delay will cause more damage and it will fall entirely on the shoulders of our elected officials, not our doctors.


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