The CDC is investigating an outbreak of E. Coli in multiple states with unknown source


Photo credit: CHRISTIAN CHARISIUS - Getty Images
Photo credit: CHRISTIAN CHARISIUS – Getty Images

At Delish

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is currently investigating an outbreak of E. Coli in several states caused by an unknown food source. More than a dozen people have fallen ill in five states.

Diseases linked to the outbreak are believed to have occurred from December 23, 2020 to January 7, 2021. It should be noted that more recent illnesses may not yet be reported as it typically takes two to four weeks to link illnesses to a epidemic. So far, 16 people in Arkansas, New York, Oklahoma, Virginia and Washington state have fallen ill with E. Coli linked to the outbreak, and nine of them had to be hospitalized. There has been one death associated with the outbreak.

It is feared that the outbreak of E. Coli continues and is still under investigation. Authorities have yet to link the outbreak to a particular food and no recall has been issued.

The CDC advises that you call your health care provider immediately if you have diarrhea and a fever over 102 ° F, bloody diarrhea, vomiting without being able to retain fluids, and signs of dehydration, all of which are symptoms. severe E. coli. If you have these signs, you should also try to remember and write down everything you ate in the past week before you fell ill, as the CDC continues to try to trace the source. Symptoms usually start within three to four days of swallowing the bacteria, and most people recover without treatment after five to seven days.

You can read more about E. coli and its symptoms here and more about the outbreak here.

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