The CDC warns of melioidosis, a tropical disease that has killed two people. Should Americans be Worried?


Earlier this week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a statement confirming a new fatal case of a rare and serious disease called melioidosis in Georgia.

The CDC said the case was linked to three previous cases in different states, including Kansas, Texas and Minnesota, one of which has died.

But should the average American be worried about the recent emergence of melioidosis cases?

According to Daniel Lucey, MD, a member of the Infectious Disease Society of America, the answer is no.

“The average American need not worry right now about being exposed to the bacteria that causes melioidosis, as there have only been a total of four patients with this infection in four states in the United States. over the past five months, ”Lucey said. Newsweek.

Melioidosis is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria, Burkholderia pseudomallei, which can affect humans and animals.

Bacteria can be found in contaminated water and soil. Infections occur when susceptible humans and animals come into direct contact with contaminated material, according to the CDC.

For example, dust or contaminated water droplets may be inhaled, and contaminated water or food containing small pieces of contaminated soil may also be ingested. Additionally, infections can occur when skin abrasions come in contact with contaminated soil.

Burkholderia pseudomallei is a robust organism. It normally exists in soil and environmental water in endemic areas. It can also survive for over a decade in distilled water and even in some common drinks for days or even weeks, ”said T. Eoin West, professor of medicine at the University of Washington. News week.

The death rate from the disease is high, varying widely between 10 and 50 percent depending on the specific set of symptoms experienced by a patient, although some people are at greater risk than others.

“Melioidosis is most often an infection of patients with underlying medical conditions,” West said. “For example, diabetes is a major risk factor. However, infection can occur in patients without underlying medical conditions.”

Melioidosis is endemic to tropical and subtropical climates, particularly prevalent in Southeast Asia and northern Australia. A dozen cases of the disease are recorded each year in the United States, usually in people returning to the country from these regions.

But none of the four cases recently identified by the CDC had reported traveling abroad. The health agency said, however, that the bacterial strains that infected the individuals matched closely, indicating there was a common source.

The bacterial strains appear to be closely related to those found in Asia, especially South Asia.

“So far, the explanation is not known as to why the four patients are being reported by the CDC as having a closely related strain of bacteria that is closely related to strains especially in Southeast Asia. riddle that needs to be solved soon, ”Lucey mentioned.

The CDC collected and tested more than 100 soil, water and product samples in and around the homes of the four people. But none have tested positive for the B. pseudomallei bacteria.

Currently, the agency believes the most likely source of the infections is an imported product, such as a food, drink, personal care or cleaning product, or medicine. While the bacteria are normally found in water and moist soil, it has also been documented in moist or moist products in areas where it is prevalent.

Despite this, Lucey said there was no need to introduce restrictions on products entering the United States.

“At this time, given the rarity of this unexplained infection, there is no scientific basis for restricting the use in the United States of specific products, whether it is food or drink, products personal care or cleaning or medication, ”he said.

While the average American doesn’t need to be overly concerned about melioidosis, Associate Professor Direk Limmathurotsakul, of the Mahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit and the Mahidol University School of Tropical Medicine , in Thailand, said people should stay aware of the disease, adopt “recommended preventive behaviors” and follow CDC information as it becomes available.

As the CDC recommends, “People should use protective equipment such as gloves and rubber boots when in direct contact with the ground, consume clean water for drinking as recommended during COVID-19 and avoid using or consuming non-certified imported products, ”Limmathurotsakul said. .

“If you are unsure of your imported products, it is best to wait, follow the CDC for updated information, and decide later.”

Melioidosis is probably underestimated in much of the world, West says, but more than 160,000 cases are estimated to occur worldwide each year.

“To the best of my knowledge, B. pseudomallei has never been found in the environment of the continental United States. B. pseudomallei has been isolated from the environment in Puerto Rico and several cases of melioidosis have been reported there.

“Even in areas where the disease is not known to be endemic, it is important that clinicians consider melioidosis as a diagnostic possibility when circumstances suggest, as optimal treatment of the infection requires prompt administration. specific antibiotics, usually for several months. he said.

The CDC is asking clinicians to consider melioidosis as a possible diagnosis, even in people who have not traveled outside of the United States.

An illustration of bacteria
Image showing an artist’s illustration of several bacteria. Melioidosis is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei.


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