The CEO of Sony does not know if the PS5 will be his last console – Game Rant


Until now, 2019 has been a year of speculation, both on the next generation of hardware and on how the introduction of streaming platforms will alter the future of the game as a whole . With new consoles confirmed by Microsoft and Sony, expected to be launched next fiscal year, the CEO of the latter has expressed his views on the future of Sony hardware.

Jim Ryan has been CEO of Sony's PlayStation division since April. While there has been a foray into video games, the rapidly changing landscape of the gaming industry is forcing society to adapt at a pace never before achieved. The fact that Ryan is not sure whether these changes will correlate with how Sony will handle the hardware after the versions probably called PlayStation 5, however, is uncertain.

"The transition (to the next generation of consoles) will probably be more interesting than anything we've seen in the past."

Ryan specifically mentions a "new entrant" in the play area, Google Stadia. Just a few days ago, the curtain was lifted on all the details relating to Google Stadia, which will be launched in November for buyers of the Founder edition of the streaming service. Given the popular games, such as those of Ubisoft Assassin's Creed Odyssey and the next Eternal Doom of Id Software and Bethesda, will be playable when Stadia is launched. AAA developers offer a level of support that describes a game future that Sony can not afford to ignore.

Some of the changes that Sony has been forced to do are going to detail the key features of the upcoming PlayStation 5 well before its release, in addition to further improving current services as the company prepares for the eventual launch of the console. In April, Sony thoroughly presented the specifications of the PS5, with shorter charging times and backward compatibility with PS4 games being the most significant details. With PlayStation Now, its streaming service only, subscribers now have the ability to download PS2 PS2 and PS4 games on their PS4 hard drives, which is a direct response to how Xbox handles its Game service. Pass.

sony ceo future console thoughts

Another feature under discussion for PlayStation 5 includes games on the cloud. In an effort to further enhance the functionality for the next generation, Sony and Microsoft have partnered to help both parties optimize the service for their respective platforms. This seems to be the way both parties plan to compete with Google Stadia, which seeks to promote better gaming experiences on the go thanks to its own streaming service.

Although the company was forced to adapt, thanks to its main competitors, Ryan quickly pointed out that it was not the first time that the future of console gaming was in question. In 2012, Ryan had explained how analysts predicted that PlayStation 4 would fail thanks to the rise of mobile gaming. Considering that the PS4 is approaching the 100 million units sold, Sony has proven its ability to adapt in the past and seems to do the same for its future.

There is currently no launch date for PlayStation 5.

Source: CNET


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