The challenges facing astronauts in space and on their return home


The space is the place. From an early age, there was probably some of you who always dreamed of venturing into the big afterlife into one of NASA's rockets or perhaps into something else. a little more commercial. Maybe you even wanted to become an astronaut.

While the experiences and adventures of the astronaut profession are literally out of the ordinary, there are a host of physical and psychological challenges to astronaut function.


Think about it. In addition to the astronaut's rigorous training to prepare for the journey, these astronauts are exposed to a host of environmental factors as they are crammed into a relatively small space. For many astronauts, the most difficult challenge is not the mission in space but the return journey.

The challenges of being an astronaut

A film that has so much caught the attention and buzz of the academy, Lucy in the Sky, Noah Hawley 's film, aims to tackle this subject this year when it' s time for the film. it will be presented on the big screen. Based on the actual history of NASA and US Navy astronaut Lisa Nowak, NASA's astronaut, this story follows the story of a female astronaut who just returned to earth.

After a transcendent experience during a space mission, Lucy begins to lose touch with reality in a world that now seems too small.

Like the film, today we will explore the challenges astronauts face: physical, emotional and psychological.

How space affects the body

Back to Earth: the challenges faced by astronauts both in space and on their return home
Source: NASA

Lack of gravity is your best ally and enemy when exposed to zero gravity for long periods of time.

"You feel the physiological changes when you arrive in space and you start to feel that your body and your brain think you no longer need your legs," said Doug Wheelock, NASA astronaut who spent 178 days in the space during the training. two missions.

When you are here on earth, your bones and muscles work hard to keep you still. Without the downward force of gravity, the body works much less, resulting in muscle deterioration and loss of bone density.

In fact, according to NASA, a month in space can result in the loss of bone mass equivalent to that of a postmenopausal woman in one year, resulting in a sharp decrease in the level of calcium in the blood. can lead to health problems.

One way to slow down this process is to exercise in the space. According to NASA, astronauts train on average 2 hours a day. Think of films like 2001, Kubrick's Space Odyssey. Although we are years away from the technology featured in the film, one should not downplay the importance of staying in shape.

Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield talked about his physical regime during a five-month stay in space as commander of the ISS with the Los Angeles Times.

"I used the resistance device on the ISS for an hour every day for the whole time I spent there," he said.

"It looks like a universal gym.It has big pistons that have a void.The beauty of this is that it's about constant resistance all the way through.You can do squats, a bench press, suspensions, calf raises, curls and sit-ups. "

Loss of vision and cosmic radiation

So, if you work three hours a day on your space station and think you are in the clear, this is not the case. While on Earth, the fluids in your body are constantly moving, gravity pushing them into your legs.

Back to Earth: the challenges faced by astronauts both in space and on their return home
Source: NASA

However, in space, these fluids float in your head, which can give the appearance of a chubby appearance. However, this fluid drift can be dangerous and cause severe conditions, including pressure on the optic nerve, which can affect vision.

Here on Earth, you are protected against a good amount of radiation, in space not much. Even though there is artificial shielding in places such as the ISS, it does not protect against all types of radiation, which makes astronauts more vulnerable to cancer and other risks to the planet. long-term health.

The mental stress of being in space

Although they are extreme fiction, films like The Martian and "Moon" highlight the mental courage needed for space missions. Astronauts over long periods are usually subjected to the same daily tasks, which can be discouraging. However, mental problems do not stop there.

As mentioned by NASA, "The problems you may encounter are a degradation of mood, cognition, morale or interpersonal relationships. You could also develop a sleep disorder because your circadian rhythm could be disrupted because of the extra 38 minutes you spend each day on Mars, or even a small, noisy environment, or the stress of isolation and of a prolonged confinement. "

Problems such as depression and fatigue are sometimes unavoidable. While a lack of fresh foods and a nutritional deficiency, "may contribute more to physiological and cognitive decreases". .


"Your sense of smell and your taste are tarnished in the space. I needed the aroma of leaves and grass, flowers and trees," says Wheelock. "These things are not present on the space station, and when you come back to Earth they are literally intoxicating."

Back home

Back to Earth: the challenges faced by astronauts both in space and on their return home
Source: NASA

Going home after a long journey in space can be difficult, not only for your body but also for your mental state. Depending on the length of the trip, it takes an average of 45 days to a few months, or even a year, for people to re-adapt to the planet Earth.

Because of the effects of microgravity, astronauts usually go through a period of physical therapy because their bodies must readjust to gravity on Earth. Astronauts are even evaluated mentally after their return, which NASA takes very seriously.

Traveling in space is a momentous event and shapes astronauts for the rest of their lives. As NASA astronaut Leroy Chiao said from 1990 to 2005, "What are you thinking of during a long flight? Spaceflight is a life changing event. I have thought a lot about my life on Earth. I've gained a new perspective. "

"Do I miss the space? Sometimes a little. After each short space shuttle flight, I was anxious to get back up. But after my long flight, it was like eating a big satisfying meal. Ten years later, I am still satisfied. But I suspect that after a short time, I will start to feel hungry again.

The movie "Lucy in the Sky" should be interesting because it tells both a story and a visual overview of some of the challenges that astronauts face when they return to Earth. Would you be ready to become an astronaut? Leave your comments below.


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