The city closes 2 Jewish schools for ignoring the order of measles


The city's health department has shut down two Jewish schools in Brooklyn for failing to submit vaccination and attendance records during the measles outbreak.

Tiferes Bnos School on Marcy Avenue and Talmud Torah D'Nitra Preschool School on Bedford Avenue will not be allowed to reopen until the Ministry approves a corrective action plan to deal with cases. noncompliance.

Health officials have previously shut down five schools – including the United Talmudical Academy's preschool, run by a Williamsburg yeshiva – for failing to comply with the health commissioner's order.

The ordinance imposes yeshivas and childcare programs in certain postal codes to exclude unvaccinated students and to provide the Department of Health with immediate access to medical records and attendance.

All five were allowed to reopen under supervision of the Department of Health.

"Schools that continue to ignore our instructions during the outbreak will be shut down until they can prove to the Ministry of Health that they will comply," he said. said Dr Oxiris Barbot, Health Commissioner, in a statement.

"In reality, the longer it takes for schools and individuals to comply with our order, the more this epidemic will continue," he added.

In addition, 57 people have been summoned for failing to comply with the emergency order since the city began issuing summons last week.

Anyone receiving a summons is entitled to a hearing. If the hearing officer upholds the summons, a fine of $ 1,000 will be imposed.

Failure to appear at the hearing or to respond to the notice of meeting will result in a fine of $ 2,000.

To date, 423 cases of this highly contagious disease have been confirmed since the beginning of the epidemic in October.

Of these cases, 348 were reported in Williamsburg, where an emergency order was issued on April 9. Persons living or working under postal codes 11205, 11206, 11211 and 11249 must have been vaccinated with the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine.

A small number of cases have occurred outside these neighborhoods but have not yet resulted in continued transmission of the disease.


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