The civil engineering, computer, electrical, mechanical and software programs of the UVU are accredited


Utah Valley University now offers five engineering programs – civil, computer, electrical, mechanical, and software engineering – which are accredited by ABET’s Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC).

UVU’s construction management program has also received accreditation from the Accreditation Commission for Applied and Natural Sciences (ANSAC) of ABET, and the Computer Science, Information Systems and information technology have been re-accredited by the Computer Accreditation Commission (CAC) of ABET. In total, UVU now offers nine ABET accredited programs.

The announcement of the accreditations comes at a critical time when there is an acute demand for more engineers, computer scientists and construction managers in Utah. Last year, Utah universities together produced more than 3,000 engineers and computer scientists, but there were approximately 4,000 unfilled positions in the Utah workforce. Construction companies are also struggling to find employees to meet the ever-growing need for skilled managers to oversee the continued expansion of Utah buildings.

“One of UVU’s long-term strategies is to educate and prepare graduates to meet Utah’s workforce needs,” said Astrid S. Tuminez, President of Utah Valley University. “By 2028, experts predict that Utah will need more than 3,600 new engineers per year. UVU’s new engineering and computer science programs were designed to meet this need. Since the introduction of our most recent engineering programs (civil, mechanical and electrical) in 2018, we have seen a 144.33% increase in the number of engineering graduates at UVU.

According to a recent study by the Kem C. Gardner Institute, the population of Utah County is expected to reach 1.6 million by 2065 and will almost mirror the population of Salt Lake County – 28% of the state’s population will live in the county from Utah.

The study predicts that 576,000 jobs will be added in Utah County and increase its share of total state employment from 17% to 24% of all state jobs. One-third of the state’s new jobs are expected to be in Utah County.

“To be ready for employment, future engineering, computer and technology graduates must not only have a good grasp of the fundamentals, but they must also be innovative, ethical, good team members, have good skills. good communication skills and a good understanding of global issues, ”said Saeed Moaveni, Dean of UVU College of Engineering and Technology. “What sets our programs apart from other engineering and technology programs is our hands-on, hands-on approach to teaching engineering and technology, and encourages our students to apply and test their practical knowledge against others in professional contexts and competitions. ”

For more information on UVU engineering programs, please visit engineering page.


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