The construction of a cancer center of one billion shillings in progress: The Standard


Lorna Kimetto, a nurse from the Mediheal hospital group, takes care of a patient at a free medical camp organized by the hospital. [Duncan Ocholla, Standard]

Uasin County Gishu is soon brimming with a billion-shillan cancer center built by the Mediheal Hospital Group.

Construction has already begun and, according to Joe Kirwa, General Manager of Business Development at Mediheal, the facilities will be ready in 18 months.
Speaking in Kakamega yesterday at a free medical camp, Kirwa said the center will offer comprehensive management of different types of cancers under one roof.

Traveling abroad

"Kenyans will no longer travel to the UK or India for specialized cancer treatment. We will treat them here in Kenya, "said Kirwa.
He revealed that Mediheal had partnered with Varian Medical Systems, a US-based hospital that develops medical devices, to help treat cancer locally.
Kirwa also said the national and county governments had offered their help to ensure that the hospital was completed on time.
He said Mediheal is now conducting liver transplants, making it the second largest hospital in Kenya after Kenyatta National Hospital.
According to Kirwa, a liver transplant is an operation to remove a diseased or damaged liver and replace it with a healthy liver from a donor.
Currently, patients spend at least 9 million shillings to undergo a liver transplant abroad.
"We have done 52 liver transplants since last April and all patients are in stable condition," said Kirwa.
"A person can donate a liver to two patients requiring a transplant. When you give a liver, it regains its normal size in a process called regeneration after two years, "said Kirwa.
In Africa, only Egypt and South Africa have the capacity to treat liver transplants.

Pneumonia problem

Lorna Kimetto, a nurse from the facility who was the team leader during the medical camp, said that among the four medical camps held in the Western Region, pneumonia was the only 39, one of the most common infections.
Kimetto said the disease was prevalent especially in young children.
Arthritis, infertility, asthma and thoracic complications have also been identified as other major medical problems.
"We urge county governments in the western region to invest heavily in the fight against these diseases. They kill a lot of people. These are manageable conditions that can be treated and many lives saved, "said Kimetto.

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Hospital center of the Mediheal hospital group


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