The director of Suicide Squad is tired of being attacked for a film that does not match his original vision


The big studio films can sometimes be the victims of contradictory ambitions, as much the creative ones as the executives of the industry are with the rendezvous. This may be the case for David Ayer's Suicide team, which many see as a failure despite its $ 747 million in global profits. As fans engage in the fashionable train for James Gunn's next take with The suicide brigade, the director of the original film takes zero bad for the mouth. Check out Ayer's recent tweet:

David Ehrlich, Senior Film Critic at Indiewire had a little attention from the Suicide team director when he commented on the online speech on casting information recently published by James Gunn for The suicide brigade. He called it a "sequel to a stupid piece of shit" that displeased the majority of the public. Ayer then quoted a quote tweeted in the thoughts of Ehrlich, defending a film that he and a large distribution and his team had spent years producing.

After the tweet received a ton of attention, the reporter clarified his remarks by explaining that he intended to express his "frustration" for the "parade of endless media hype" that continues despite previous disappointments , thus deterring the attention of more original films. He sent his "apologies" to the director for it to be considered a personal attack. Ayer continued the conversation with these words:

Apologies accepted? Once everything has been cleared up, the filmmaker has shown his frustration at the film's change from his original vision, which has led to a less satisfying introduction to the X working group than he did not have it planned for the public. Nevertheless, he showed his constant support for James Gunn's takeover of the franchise, also with this:

It would not have been easy for the director to have his film suffer the harsh criticism he was making. It was apparently not the film he had imagined when he signed, and because of his $ 175 million production budget (before marketing costs), he might not have control total of the final product. He discusses this topic in his recent tweets, explaining how Hollywood is an industry at the end of the day.

Some apparent changes in David Ayer's painting Suicide team included a ton being cut off from Jared Leto's performance as a Joker. While James Gunn continues to play, he will appeal to some characters featured in the film Ayer, but Leto's Joker is not part of it.

The suicide brigade see the return of Harley Quinn from Margot Robbie (after Birds of prey), Amanda Waller of Viola Davis, Rick Flag of Joel Kinnaman and Captain Boomerang of Jai Courtney, as well as new actors such as Idris Elba, Taika Waititi, Nathan Fillion, Michael Rooker and Peter Capaldi. The film will soon be in production in Atlanta, Georgia, and will be released in August 2021.


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