The Division 2 Raid Beat on Console Finally – Game Rant


After 36 hours, this was finally done: a Division 2 The console team defeated the new Operation Dark Hours raid. The feat was confirmed for the first time by a Division 2 player and member of the raid team on the forums and later supported by the game's leaderboards.

A Reddit user, Inkist, revealed the achievements of his team on the Division 2 subreddit saturday afternoon. Alongside players named Bloodshy, Tico79, Jaqev, Handsome Lancer, AZPrimeminister, I & B Bats and H2K Predator were able to complete Operation Dark Hours on PS4, becoming the first team to do it on console. There is also at least one team that beat her on Xbox One in 17 hours of play in total.

Inkist says the team took naps between two attempts to Division 2 raid, and he believes that the last boss of Razorback took 20 hours to complete alone. This last meeting proved to be very delicate for the console Division 2 readers because of the slowdown in the frequency of images that occurs with so much activity in a large space. This is particularly serious when the Razorback launches all its drones just before the damage phase.

Unfortunately, the Division 2 The player does not offer any useful information on how to beat Division 2 raid on console. It seems that the obvious solution is simply to be lucky, but optimizing a construction that focuses on damage and health / armor seems to be the key. Because there is not much time to eliminate enemies or bosses before the player collapses, any talent that requires specific scenarios is useless. It's better to focus on the talents that increase the damage right away.

However, the fact that it took 36 hours for a team to beat Division 2 launch console raids, while PC players scour it in 20 minutes, suggesting that changes are needed. It's unclear exactly how Massive Entertainment could balance the raid on console players without making it too easy for PC gamers, but we'd be surprised if the developer did not say anything on Monday. Obviously, there is a disparity between the experiences on each platform.

Division 2 is available now for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

Source: Inkist


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