The escape of Rage 2 Walmart E3 is immortalized with a gift


Last year, before its grand premiere at the Bethesda Press Conference on E3, Rage 2 had been unveiled as a result of a major leak from Walmart Canada. Bethesda took these lemons and made lemonade recognizing that the leak was legitimate and joking. As he prepares for his release, he immortalizes the leak with a special gift.

A tweet of Rage 2 account announced that, for the first anniversary of Walmart Canada's flight, it was distributing specially styled Xbox One controllers. The controllers are essentially an impression of the leak itself, showing the game's page with the crisp notes of Bethesda, as well as the pink lawlessness symbol. You can enter to win a controller by following and retweeting the Rage 2 account.

Of course, it is not a coincidence that this promotion also happens, as well as the game itself. Bethesda recently announced the computer system specifications as well as other technical details for both console versions.

A separate gift, with a similar input structure, recently gave a custom Dreamcast of Rage 2. This is actually a custom built PC inside a Dreamcast shell, but it plays actually to Rage 2. The game also relies on nostalgic references with commentary from the NBA Jam announcer, Tim Kitzrow, available as a pre-order bonus.


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