The final season of 'Game of Thrones' – Vegas Chances – Variety


With the hype of "Game of Thrones" at its highest level, Las Vegas could earn as much money as the Iron Bank.

The fantastic HBO masterpiece has captured the attention of the game world as much as the Super Bowl or Kentucky Derby. Fans tell countless theories about social networks, such as which characters will be eliminated and who will sit on the iron throne, but bettors will put their money where they are. Popular gambling sites, like Bovada, have calculated the rating of the hottest (and craziest) questions of Westeros. For example, what are the chances that Arya wears Littlefinger's face?

Here are the wildest bets you can make on the last season of "Game of Thrones:"

Will Arya wear Littlefinger's face?

No: -300
Yes: +200

Will Cersei give birth?

No: -260
Yes: +175

Does Tyrion have a secret plot with Cersei?

No: -200
Yes: +150

Who will win Cleganebowl?

Sandor "The Dog" Clegane: -480
Gregor "The mountain" Clegane: +300
Both die or are destroyed: +350

How many living people will Arya kill in Season 8?

More than 3,5: -115
Under 3.5: -115

Will Quaithe be shown again in the last season?

No: -400
Yes: +300

Bran Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 2

What is Bran Warg Into Next?

Crow: +125
Dragon: +300
Human: +300
Wolf: +300
Other: +400

Who will die first?

Euron Greyjoy: +200
Theon Greyjoy: +200
Cersei Lannister: +500
Jaime Lannister: +500
Yara Greyjoy: +1000
Arya Stark: +1,500
Tyrion Lannister: +1,500
Daenerys Targaryen: +2,500
Jon Snow: +2,500
Sansa Stark: +2,500

Who will kill Cersei?

Jaime Lannister: +130
Arya Stark: +150
Do not die: +550
Tyrion Lannister: +550
Sansa Stark: +1000
Daenerys Targaryen: +2 000
Jon Snow: +2 000
The king of the night: +2 000
Euron Greyjoy: +2,500
Qyburn: +2,500
Ellaria Sand: +4,000
The mountain: +4,000
Jorah Mormont: +6,600

Tryion Lannister Episode 2 of Game of Thrones Season 8

Who will run Westeros?

Jon Snow: +225
Bran Stark: +275
Sansa Stark: +500
Daenerys Targaryen: +550
Gendry: +650
Petyr Baelish: +1 250
The king of the night: +1,500
Tyrion Lannister: +1,500
Arya Stark: +2 000
Samwell Tarly: +2 000
Cersei Lannister: +2 500
Jon and Daenerys's baby: +2,500
Jaime Lannister: +4,000
Varies: +7,000
Davos Seaworth: +7,000
Bronn: +10,000
Euron Greyjoy: +10,000
Brienne of Tarth: +10 000
Jaqen H'ghar: +10,000
Jorah Mormont: +10,000
Melisandre: +10 000
Daario Naharis: +12,500
Beric Dondarrion: +12 500
The dog: +12 500
Gilly: +15,000
Theon Greyjoy: +15,000
Yara Greyjoy: +15,000
Tormund Giantsbane: +15,000
The mountain: +15,000

According to the odds, Jon Snow is most likely to sit on the iron throne, taking his legitimate status as Targaryen heir. He is closely followed by Bran Stark, who used his power of green light to reveal the truth about his brother, his cousin. Sansa, the current head of Winterfell and great doubter of Daenerys, takes out Princess Targaryen, who may have built her army all these last eight seasons for nothing. It is interesting to note that Petyr Baelish and Littlefinger, who seem to have had their throats cut in the season 7 final, still have a chance to win the Iron Throne. Some fans think that he may have simulated his death and that he is still there.

The Greyjoy family, especially Euron and Theon, do not get a lot of love. The remaining three members are among the five characters most likely to die first this season.

Jaime is the most favored character to kill his sister / lover this season, beating Arya, who has the crazy queen on his list of goals to kill.

Finally, most fans think that Cersei is lying about her pregnancy and that she has no secret plan with her brother Tyrion to break her alliance with Jon and Daenerys's army, but only time will tell. .


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