‘The Five’ slams media for ignoring ‘100% racist’ attack on Larry Elder: ‘This is how you rig an election’


The panel on “The Five” widely criticized the mainstream media for downplaying a “racially charged” attack on Republican candidate for California governor Larry Elder, who was surrounded by a mob of violent protesters and s is made to throw eggs by a woman wearing a gorilla mask while walking in Los Angeles on Wednesday.

Geraldo Rivera called the egg-throwing woman “deranged” and accused the media of downplaying the violence, but Tyrus was quick to disagree.

“Don’t call her crazy. Don’t call her crazy. She knew exactly what she was doing,” Tyrus remarked.

“In the end it was 100% racist, it was a hate crime, but because the left started it [Elder] as ‘Uncle Tom’ anyone who wants small government and fiscal responsibility cannot be black.

Tyrus noted that the incident was dismissed by CNN and said the network was “not really concerned with racism unless it is used to support” their narrative, adding: “Democrats do not support in much the candidates only when you agree with them. It’s not racist when you are against them. It’s literally laughable. We don’t know who that person’s name is. If it had been during the previous administration, all its [CA Gov Gavin Newsom] the questions after the speech he gave yesterday were said to have been his thoughts on what happened there and he condemned the attack. ”

Dana Perino then blasted Newsom for not stepping up and exposing the attacks.

“During this campaign, Governor Newsom has spent a lot of time saying that Larry Elder is a black and white supremacist and I think he should be asked the question, ‘Do you think this is okay?’ Is saying things like that about opponents, whether black or white, Republicans or Democrats, is wrong. Leaders have to be role models and in this case, that did not happen. “


Jesse Watters agreed with Perino that Newsom should have condemned the attack while stressing Vice President Kamala Harris’ silence on the issue. Watters then argued: “This is how you rig an election in California.”

“You don’t report negative things that are coming from the left-hand speaker, like this one, and at the same time, you just slander the Republican opposition with racial attacks. Black-white supremacists? does that even mean? “


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