Google has completely abandoned its stand-alone task service for a long time and has instead incorporated a call-back feature in the Inbox (RIP), Keep and Assistant. Last year, however, a redesign of Google Tasks appeared, complemented by the integration of Gmail on the Web. Now the latest update of the Gmail app brings this feature to Android.

To add an email to Google Tasks, simply open its overflow menu (the three-dot menu) and click "Add to Tasks". A toast message at the bottom of the screen will tell you that you have created this task successfully. You can even go directly to the Tasks app by clicking "Show". If you have not installed it, click on "Add to Tasks" to access the Play Store list of the application.

Left: "Add to tasks" at the bottom of the overflow menu is new. Middle: A toast recognizes the new task. Right: By clicking on "View", you access the Tasks application.

Although I appreciate the ability to assign tasks to emails after the disappearance of this feature with Inbox, the simplicity of the latter I miss. You can add notes and display things to do directly in your inbox, while having to switch between Gmail and Tasks to get the same functionality. I appreciate however the fact that you can annotate much more detailed elements of the habit of being in the inbox.

If you want to try the new option for yourself, you must have the latest version of Gmail (and you may need to wait a bit until the feature is offered from Google's servers) . You can find it on the Play Store via the widget below or load it aside on APK Mirror.

Google Tasks: No matter what task, no matter what purpose. To make things progress
Google Tasks: No matter what task, no matter what purpose. To make things progress