The Google app and the dark mode of Google Assistant are finally starting to unfold


The long-awaited dark mode for Gmail and the Play Store finally began to unfold earlier this week. A dark theme option is also being rolled out for Google App and Google Assistant. While Google had rolled out a dark theme for the Google app for a small number of users in June of this year, this is the first time Google Assistant uses a dark theme.

As reported by some users of Reddit (via XDA developers), Google is currently activating the dark theme for Google App and Google Assistant via a server-side update. For the moment, it seems that the update is only launched by a small number of users in the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia.

Similar to the dark theme option for Gmail and the Play Store, Google will probably launch a global deployment of the Google app and the dark mode of the Google Assistant over the next few weeks. Interestingly, the darker theme options of Google App and Google Assistant also appear for some Android Pie users. They are able to choose between light and dark themes and can also allow the Battery Saver feature to change the theme automatically.

Surprisingly, however, the Google Podcast Service of the Google app still contains the white material theme instead of the new dark theme available elsewhere in the app.

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