The Google Rivet Experimental Application Helps Children Learn to Read


The application also relies on game mechanics to encourage young readers. Kids earn points and badges and personalize the deal with avatars, recommended books and themes. Area 120 also promises "energizing games" and "surprises" to keep readers alert.

Privacy is unsurprisingly important. All this voice technology is strictly on the device, and the application requires parental consent. The data is only used to improve the reading experience in the application.

The app works on Android compatible phones, tablets and Chromebooks, although it is only available in English in 11 countries (including the United States, Canada, the United States and Canada). Australia, India and South Africa). However, you can expect Rivet to grow. Developers are committed to adding more content, supporting more regions, and better integrating Rivet into classroom situations. Although this comes from an experimental division, it is possible that this will become an essential application for reading in schools.


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