The governor intervenes to help a woman retain her vanity plate "PB4WEGO".


ROCHESTER, N.H. (AP) – The governor of New Hampshire stepped in to help a woman keep a 15-year-old license plate showing a common sentence from parents.

The State Motor Vehicle Division asked Wendy Auger to return the plaque, which reads "PB4WEGO". The division stated that sentences relating to excretory acts were not allowed. reports that Gov. Chris Sununu said that he had contacted the division and "urged him" to allow the Rochester woman to keep her plate.

Auger, who called the recall, said she was "happy".

A spokesman for the DMV said that the standards and recall procedures in effect had been in effect since July 2018. The state has been more restrictive when it comes to vanity plates, since a man has got the right to have a "COPSLIE" plaque in front of a Supreme Court of 2014. Cas.


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