20 unsettling NASA images on Mars likely to be removed


In recent times, there has been an increased interest in the exploration of Mars. And if you ask the experts, learning more about this "red planet" is very important.

According to NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), "A mission to our nearest global neighbor is the best opportunity to demonstrate that humans can live for extended stays, even permanent ones. , beyond the low Earth orbit ". The challenge of traveling to Mars and learning to live there will encourage nations around the world to work together to achieve such an ambitious endeavor. The International Space Station has shown that opportunities for collaboration would underscore our common interests and create an overall sense of community. "

Since the beginning of the exploratory missions on Mars, we have all been treated to an incredible number of photos of its regions. However, it must be admitted, some of these images are rather disturbing. Let's see them:

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20 Ammonite

via activity-paranormale.net

This image was taken by NASA's own Mars rover. And from the appearance of the fossil, it seems to act an ammonite.

This creature looked like a snail and existed on Earth. A man named Scott C. Waring had discovered this through NASA images and he wrote on his blog UFO Sightings Daily: "On Earth, the Ammonites died out 66 million years ago, but lived 200 million years ago. I believe that since it has evolved on another planet, its shape has been influenced by a different evolution involving different environmental influences. "

19 Crab

via the13thfloor.tv

In another photo taken on Mars, it seems that a crab can circulate freely around the planet.

Waring wrote on his blog noting this: "Such a creature has already been seen near the Russian Mars probe that landed, took some pictures and died. Inside, there was one creature resembling a crab on four to six long legs.

18 Lizard

via the13thfloor.tv

According to a report from BuzzFeed, it would seem that someone in Japan has examined several photos taken on Mars when he noticed that there appeared to be a lizard on one of the photos.

From certain angles, it seems that this "lizard" was about to move when capturing the image. However, if you look at a wider shot, the lizard appears as one of the rocks on the planet.

17 Dinosaur Fossil

via the13thfloor.tv

A number of images taken on Mars seem to indicate the presence of a dinosaur fossil. As you may know, dinosaurs traveled the Earth millions of years ago. Since then, they have become instinctive while Hollywood films broke the idea of ​​bringing them back to life. If they existed on Earth, is it possible that they also existed on Mars?

According to a report from Express, NASA seems to think that this so-called fossil is only a group of eroded rocks.

16 Squirrel

via cnn.com

Because of this image, many became convinced that there was a squirrel living on Mars. In addition, according to a report by Gizmodo, speculation has increased after NASA accidentally published the image in line with the so-called squirrel.

People even zoomed in on the image and it appeared that the creature had eyes and a bushy tail.

15 Spatialship

via cnn.com

Seeing this image, many UFO enthusiasts were convinced that it was about a crashed spacecraft that had crashed on Mars.

However, it did not look like a terrestrial spaceship design. According to Waring, instead, "the black object looks like a UFO crashed. The machine is only 2.5 to 3 meters wide, so it probably only retained a few passengers. "

14 Pyramid

via scribol.com

On Earth, the pyramids were built by ancient Egyptians. On Mars, no one knows what kind of civilization would be able to design a similar engineering feat. However, Dr. Jim Bell, a professor of astronomy at the University of Arizona, told The Huffington Post that it was probably not a pyramid.

In an email, he wrote, "It's probably a volcanic rock (like most of the rocks we saw with rovers on Mars), and, like many volcanic rocks on Earth, many volcanic rocks on Mars burst and split very, angular ways. "

13 Dome

via scribol.com

This photo, taken by NASA's Curiosity Mars Rover, has definitely caught the attention of Waring.

On his blog, he wrote, "This ancient dome on Mars has stood the test of time. I reported this dome when it was farther away, but we had never seen it as close as now. Its smooth reflective surface shows that it was designed to reflect the warmth and keep the interior cool. "

12 Sphere in levitation

via cnn.com

This image was captured by the Curiosity robot mast camera (Mastcam) on April 10, 2015. Located near Mount Sharp, it appears to show a levitating sphere that has enthralled and fascinated the UFO community.

In fact, some have even spoken of "floating spoon". However, according to the Space website, NASA says it's only debris left behind by a campsite or a Martian kitchen.

11 Face of the ancient god

via scribol.com

Among the images taken from NASA's Mars Opportunity operator is a rock on which is engraved the face of an ancient god. And according to CNET, the image of the god is very much like Nabu, the neo-Assyrian god of wisdom.

However, again, it is possible that the image is nothing more than a bunch of Martian rocks.

ten Coffin

via the13thfloor.tv

At one point during NASA's exploration of the red planet, it took an image that seemed to indicate that there was a coffin lying on Mars.

According to a Daily Mail report, the show would have been discovered by Will Farrar. On his YouTube channel, he wrote, "This little box surely looks like a modern coffin concrete liner."

9 Tomb

via express.co.uk

The eagle-eyed observers claimed that one of the images taken by NASA on Mars shows a grave.

On his blog, Waring shared his observations in these terms: "He shows a face and a head turned to his right, with breasts and a plump belly, shoulders. Very remarkable detail on this photo. This photo alone should be enough to convince the United Nations that intelligent life once existed on Mars, but NASA does not want anyone to know the truth because they will be asked to share the information and technology that they have found. . "

8 Helmet

via cnn.com

Looking at one of the photos taken by NASA's Curiosity rover, some are quite convinced that a World War I helmet 1.

The user of YouTube, UFOvni, shared this picture on one of his videos and the description reads as follows: "The picture seems to show a Nazi army helmet on the rocky surface of Mars. NASA has not yet made an official comment on this discovery. "

7 Skull

via the13thfloor.tv

Another image that has thrilled conspiracy theorists and UFO hunters is this photo of what appeared to be a fossilized skull on Mars. According to Warring, the skull seems to be "broken at the front".

He further observed, "He has an extended skull, an antenna, eyes, a nose, a mouth, a chin and a beard, which seems to represent a warrior. I say warrior because his helmet carries a crest in the center of the skull, as well as a ridge around the broken area. "

6 Femur

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Besides the skull, it seems that another image taken by NASA on Mars shows a fossilized thigh bone.

However, NASA did not delay in explaining that this was not the case. According to the agency, "the members of Mission's scientific team believe that its shape is probably sculpted by erosion, whether by wind or by water."

5 Human face

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According to NASA, this image was taken in 1976, as its Viking 1 spacecraft circled the globe to photograph possible landing sites for its twin vessel, Viking 2. Since then, NASA has returned and photographed the same place in 1998 and 2001.

In the end, NASA discovered that the "face" was actually "a natural relief". NASA added: "There was no extraterrestrial monument after all."

4 Lone woman

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According to several conspiracy theorists, this photo clearly shows the presence of a single woman wandering around Mars.

However, according to a report by Forbes, it seems that we are living with a disease called "pareidolia", in which the brain produces a motive from something. Therefore, we assume that we are looking at an image hidden in a photo.

3 Stealthy creature of a cave

via scribol.com

According to this image taken by NASA's Curiosity rover, it appears that there is a man who scans a cave on the red planet.

According to a video from Waring on YouTube, "Inside this little cave, there is a pink face or a red face that protrudes. Is it a living being, maybe? The person looks stealthily and looks at the rover.

2 Extraterrestrial

via express.co.uk

It seems that this image taken by the Curiosity rover is the key to prove that there are creatures that once existed on Mars.

The YouTube channel Paranormal Crucible had decided to download this image on a video of the site. She explained: "A remarkable Martian artifact was photographed on the red planet by the Mars Curiosity robot. The artifact, which looks like a large statue, was photographed by the rover as he paced the rocky terrain around Gale Crater. "

1 Bigfoot

via the13thfloor.tv

For years, Big Foot, a mythical creature supposed to live deep in the forest, has attracted a lot of fascination.

However, an image has also led some to think that Bigfoot also exists on Mars. The idea is fascinating. However, there is still very little evidence to support this claim.

Sources – NASA, Daily UFO Observations, BuzzFeed, Express, CNET & Forbes


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