The Greenland Glacier has expanded. Ocasio-Cortez The Strongest Coup


Hey, remember when Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said that the fight against global warming was the second world war of our generation? It was a silly remark, but she then pushed politics to support her remarks. Alas, the Green New Deal was born. An economic disaster that seeks to ensure that the country no longer consumes fossil fuels in a decade, kills cows farting, modernizes all buildings and applies energy efficiency standards, no matter what, and eliminates the fuel engine. It is the embodiment of an intrusive government and its price is $ 90 trillion. This is in addition to the guarantee of employment, free university and health insurance for all of the far left. It's a socialist mess. But at least we will do something to help curb global warming that is such a threat … that one of Greenland's major glaciers has actually developed (via NBC News):

A new NASA study reveals that the Greenland Glacier, one of the world's fastest shrinking ice and snow masses, is regenerating.

The Jakobshavn Glacier, circa 2012, was retreating about 1.8 miles and thinning nearly 130 feet a year. But it has begun to grow at about the same pace in the past two years, according to a study published Monday in Nature Geoscience. The study's authors and outside scientists think that it is temporary.

"It was a bit of a surprise. We got used to an uncontrollable system, "said Jason Box, a geology researcher and climatologist in Greenland and Greenland. "The good news is that it reminds us that things are not going so fast. But it is okay.

Yes. We return to this: Doomsday predictions and then … nothing. Remember the Arctic ice cap? It was to disappear by 2013. It has finally grown to 538,000 square miles. That's why betting on the predictions of these people is a basket. No, I'm not ready to bet billions of dollars in production and economic activity on people who have been completely lost. In the 1970s, the Earth was expected to experience a cooling period that could lead to periods of ice breakup in the northern hemisphere. This did not happen. As for the hectic weather touting the recurring rumors of global warming, we had some bad storms. Yet in 2013, it was the quietest hurricane season of the last 30 years and the quietest tornado season of the last six decades. It's a mixed record and I'm not prepared to destroy the American economy of people who have predicted disaster for decades, but the fact is we're still here and alive. The glacier is growing everyone. This is good news.

In the meantime, scoundrel, rabble, scoundrel.


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