The Harvard astrophysicist declares that the "dense bullet of something" has punctured holes in the milky way


Scientists say that something mysterious has hit gigantic cosmic "bullet holes" in some parts of the Milky Way.

According to a study presented at the American Physical Society last month, a long stream of stars called GD-1 hints that something still unknown would have made its way.

Ana Bonaca, the Harvard-Smithsonian astrophysicist, who discovered the cosmic crime scene, suspects the gigantic "bullet holes" of being cut by invisible dark matter.

Unfortunately, the culprit of this celestial shootout seems to have escaped – Bonaca told Live Science that there was no evidence on the crime scene apart from the magnitude of the deficiencies in the stellar flow.

"We can not map [the impactor] to any bright object we've observed, "Bonaca told Live Science.

"It's much more massive than a star … Something like a million times the mass of the Sun.Therefore there is no star of this mass.We can exclude it. And if it was a black hole, it would be a supermassive black hole of the kind that we find at the center of our own galaxy ".

As there is no evidence of such a black hole, Bonaca suspects a ball of dark matter may have passed through the stars. But it is too early to definitively exclude any possibility.

"It's a dense ball of something," Bonaca said.

This article was originally published by Futurism. Read the original article.


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