The Horizon Telescope Collaboration Event captured the first picture of a black hole. Now, it has earned them a revolutionary award


If that's not enough, the team, called Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration (EHT), will now pocket $ 3 million.
The EHT team won the "Discovery 2020" prize in fundamental physics, announced Thursday by the foundation. Other laureates include the discovery of cellular signaling mechanisms that create a sensation of pain and the discovery of a new endocrine system by which adipose tissue communicates with the brain to regulate food intake.

The Breakthrough Award, currently in its eighth year, has three main awards: in basic physics, life sciences and mathematics. Each winner of a prize is awarded $ 3 million, that it is a researcher or a team of 347 people, such as the EHT team. .

The team, made up of scientists working in 20 different countries, will have to share the funds. But it remains more than $ 8,500 for each contributor, so not bad.

Scientists have worked for over a decade to capture their award-winning image, combining the power of eight different radio telescopes around the world. The team then used imaging algorithms to fill gaps and reconstruct the photo.

In addition to their new pocket money, the winners will all be honored at an awards ceremony on November 3rd.


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