The iOS 13 concept imagines a new volume user interface, control center multitasking, iPad mouse support, and more.


The latest iOS 13 concept from designer LeĆ³ Vallet offers fun possibilities with iOS 13, including a redesigned volume user interface, mouse support with AirPods style coupling, multitasking with Control Center, support from the iPad external display, etc.

Vallet shared the concept on Behance and offers an interesting look at how Apple could innovate with the next version of iOS. An interesting idea suggested in the image above offers users private and family "spaces" to share and manage content more easily.

As we have seen in the concepts in recent years (with a significant demand from users for an update), Vallet has devised a new user interface for volumes. Instead of using the left ear of the screen cutout on the iPhone, it appears next to the volume buttons (identical on the iPad) and offers a great experience. cleaner and unobtrusive compared to the current user interface with iOS 12.

iOS 13 volume user interface

Another frequently requested feature is a redesign of Control Center. With the release of the iPhone X and the removal of the Home button, Apple has moved Control Center access to the top right corner, which is more difficult to achieve, especially at one-hand.

Vallet's concept combines iOS multitasking and the Control Center, which would be a simple scan from the bottom of modern iPhones.

Fusion of several iOS 13 control centers

As we get closer to the fusion of IzOos and Mac with Marzipan, this concept also provides mouse support for iPad with an AirPods style instant coupling process with a new "W3" chip.

Magic Mouse concept support for iOS 13

While third parties have so far bridged this gap, Vallet also imagines native support for using the iPad as an external display with a Mac.

Support iOS iPad external display of concept

The concept also allowed to visualize a dark iOS mode, which should land this year, security improvements for Find My iPhone, etc. Discover the complete concept here.

What do you think? What is your favorite feature or change in this concept? Share your opinion in the comments below!

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