“The last year and a half has been brutal for the children”


The transition to school will not necessarily be easy

The transition to school will not be easy for many young children and their parents, as cases of COVID increase among the unvaccinated. (Getty Images)

We are still in the middle of summer, but school is already in the minds of some families. Major retailers are running ads for back-to-school shopping and there is a general feeling families should be getting ready for fall.

But of course there is always a global pandemic going on. In the United States, the Delta variant is fueling an increase in cases among the unvaccinated – including children under 12, who are not yet eligible to be vaccinated against COVID-19. This can make the fall a bit uncertain for young children – and some people are already talking about it.

“I really find it hard to accept that children sacrifice more than 16 months of their childhood, 2 school years of normalcy, mainly to protect adults from a virus that they are now choosing NOT to be vaccinated against, which makes kids who can’t vax vulnerable and holding everyone hostage, ”wrote high school English teacher Jessica Kirkland. Tweeter which has now gone viral.

“Watching the numbers go up, every state with increasing cases again, mask restrictions come back because these people won’t grow up and get vaccinated and realize that all the struggle of the last 2 school years was for NOTHING. . The children bore this sacrifice and it was wasted, ”she added.

Another person wrote, “My teenage son just asked me how lucky we are again in quarantine. My oldest son said he was going to college this year no matter what. It has been sheer hell for them and their teachers, and if I got close to an antivaxxer today, I would probably end up in jail. I am furious.”

“From the start, nobody cared about the children. Every decision has been about the economy and business ”, someone else mentionned. “Despite the effects of the current decisions / variations on the children, this will continue to be the motivation. Children are collateral damage to a thriving economy. “

Related Video: Parents weigh in on sending kids back to school without COVID vaccine

Anxiety is at its height, but many experts say it is often parents who are more stressed about school during a pandemic than children. “Overall, the students were very resistant to the changes they went through,” said clinical psychologist John Mayer, author of Family Fit: Find your balance in life, says Yahoo Life. “It is interesting that they have changed their attachment to school. The common attitude of children – “I hate school” – has become “I miss school.

The parents, however, suffered a “major emotional disruption,” Mayer says. “Parents’ anxiety is at its height,” he says. “This has resulted in a dramatic increase in mental health problems among parents. “

For older children who are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, this school year may be more like it has been in the past, Dr. Robert Hamilton, pediatrician at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California , and host of the podcast Hamilton magazine: where children and culture meet, says Yahoo Life. But the situation will likely be different for those under the age of 12.

Still, getting kids back into classrooms is essential, Hamilton says. “Some of these kids haven’t had meaningful interpersonal relationships for a long time now,” he says.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend children take in-person learning during the pandemic, although their recommendations on how to do it safely differ slightly. Earlier this week, the AAP released guidelines that recommend universal masking for children over 2 in school, whether or not they are vaccinated. This is slightly different from the CDC’s advice, which states that “masks should be worn indoors by all people (aged 2 years and older) who are not fully vaccinated.

Of course, the transition to school will not necessarily be easy, for young children or their parents. To try to prepare your child for a start to school that can be uncertain, Hamilton recommends having them sit down for a chat. “Tell them that their teachers and mom and dad make this experience very safe, so they don’t need to be afraid,” he says.

When it comes to masking, some schools require it and others don’t, Hamilton says. “In the majority of classrooms across the country, you will likely see some social distancing and masking. ”

If your school district doesn’t require a mask, it’s a good idea to talk to your child to let them know they can still see people wearing masks, says Dr. Robert Keder, pediatrician at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. , at Yahoo Life. “It’s important to let them know that people wear masks for different reasons and that it’s their choice,” he says.

And, if your child is frustrated with wearing a mask to school again, Keder suggests letting them know relief is on the way. “Tell them that we hope the vaccine will be ready for the children around winter and that the scientists are working on it,” he says.

You can also do a general checkup with your child to find out how they feel about going back to school. “It’s important that parents ask children what makes them most excited about going back to school and what worries them the most,” Nicole Cobb, associate professor of human development practice, told Yahoo and organizational at Peabody College at Vanderbilt University. Life. “It’s also important to validate the many mixed feelings a child has about returning to school. Often times, adults make assumptions about how children are feeling and this can project what makes us nervous rather than what actually concerns the child. Once we know what bothers a child, we can directly address their specific concerns. “

Keder says it’s important for parents to be “real and honest” with their children about the status quo, but also “to check your own emotional response first to make sure you’re okay.”

“The past year and a half has been very stressful,” he says. “A little anxiety helps, but too much anxiety can be overwhelming and prevent you from planning.”

Keder suggests parents make sure they get the facts about COVID-19 from reliable sources such as the CDC and AAP. “It’s also a good idea to know your school district’s policies and what COVID-19 cases look like in your area,” he says. Knowing all of this information can help reduce anxiety levels, making you feel ready to enter the school year, says Keder.

Another way to reduce your stress level is to plan things out. “Have a plan, hope for the best, but prepare for the worst,” Steven L. Pastyrnak, pediatric psychology section chief at Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital, told Yahoo Life. “If children need to switch back to virtual learning quickly, know how to best support them. Identify a place in the house where they can work and check them regularly throughout the day. Make a plan to fit into your work schedule if someone at home gets sick or the kids need to switch to virtual learning. The more prepared we are, the more in control we will feel. “

You can also prepare yourself by purchasing additional masks and hand sanitizer now, Keder says. “You don’t have to stockpile like it’s the end of the world, but having supplies – masks, a reasonable number of back-up things that make you feel comfortable – is fine and a good thing. thing, ”he said. “A little anxiety motivates us to be safe and prepared.”

Overall, experts stress the importance of bringing children back to in-person learning. “The past year and a half has been brutal for the kids,” says Hamilton. “The more we can do to normalize their lives, the better. “

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