The loneliness epidemic in millennia, the Z generation linked to social media – but Franklin Graham has the answer


Internet and social media are linked to an epidemic of loneliness that contributes to mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety in Generation Y and Generation Z.

Studies suggest that loneliness is increasing among young Americans, even though they use tons of social media, such as Facebook and Instagram, to keep in touch with their friends.

The problem of loneliness in the United States is linked to many factors, but spending all this time looking at the perfectly presented lives of others or even spending too much time looking at ourselves can lead to a feeling of inferiority or abandonment. And this FOMO – the fear of missing an opportunity – can fuel a downward spiral.

Many studies in recent years have linked depression rates to the use of social media for selfie generation.

A new study by the Pew Research Center shows that most American teenagers are very anxious and depressed. They cite major concerns such as academics, finance and the future, but their personal appearance and acceptance also play an important role: "about three in ten say they feel strong pressure to look good (29%) and integrate socially (28%). "

According to Healthline, "According to a new study published in the Journal of Early Adolescence, teens who post more selfies online tend to become more aware of their appearance – and that this awareness is linked to an increased risk of developing self-esteem. negative body image. "

And a massive study involving more than half a million students in grades eight through twelfth revealed a 33% increase in depression, indicating: "Teens who spent more time on new ones media (including social media and electronic devices such as smartphones) were more likely to report mental health issues, and teens who spent more time in screen-less activities (social interaction in person, sports / drills). , homework, print and religious services) were less likely. "

Research by the Cigna Health Insurance Company shows that loneliness is a serious problem for all Americans. Their 2018 survey of more than 20,000 US adults confirmed that nearly half of Americans feel lonely (46%) or left behind (47%). But Generation Z (adults aged 18 to 22) has been defined as the most lonely generation.

Douglas Nemecek, MD, Chief Medical Officer for Behavioral Health in Cigna, says significant face-to-face relationships have clear benefits, and he urges those involved to make more efforts to engage with others. people than digital screens.

Linda Mintle, licensed family therapist, confided CBN News all because relationships in social media do not offer the benefits of real and in-person relationships.

"They have to be in real time, face to face, intimate," she said. "Many studies show the support you receive, and the community you have in relating to other people supports you in many ways – they must be more than the superficial relationships that we often have online."

Franklin Graham, Christian Evangelist, states that there is a relationship that everyone needs more than anything, to fill the emptiness and loneliness in our lives. "No matter how many friends we have, our heart will always have a void, a burning desire, which can only be filled by a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ," says Graham .


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