The maid of honor wears T.rex's costume during a wedding in Omaha


OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) – A maid of honor learned that she could wear everything for a wedding in Omaha – so she decided to go with a prehistoric look.

Joby and Deanna Adams were married on August 10 in a wedding in Omaha.

Christina Meador, the bride's sister and the bridesmaid, shared a photo of the ceremony on her Facebook page – representing Meador dressed as a T. rex and holding a bouquet of flowers.

When the couple was engaged, the bride told Meador that she could wear whatever she wanted. Meador joked that she would wear a T.rex suit – and when the bride told her to go there, it had become a joke.

Meador ordered the suit and was not sure she could pull it off – but the bride and the wedding party convinced her. She had a spare dress in which she changed after the ceremony, which took place at a temperature of 89 degrees.

The groom, Joby, is a staff sergeant and has been with the army for 11 years. Just before the wedding, Joby learned that his parents could not go to the wedding because his mother was so sick of cancer.

Joby and Deanna flew to a Chicago hospital where they held an official ceremony so that her mother could be part of it. Her mother also attended the Omaha ceremony from her hospital room and has since passed away.

The photo was shared approximately 37,000 times and attracted the attention of the international community, including calls as far away as an Australian radio station.


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