The measles epidemic spreads to 26 states and is approaching record levels in 25 years



4 hours, 54 minutes ago

Amongst other things, 25 years ago, before the events of September 11th made the government's machinations less openly trustworthy, many, many more people trusted the things the government pushed, such as ". This suggests that trips abroad were particularly frequent during the last epidemic, or "epidemic". Were there many more people traveling abroad in 1994? Or is there another cause? Are illegal aliens being allowed by the Democrats to cross the border carrying diseases, for example? Zika, remember, threatened the United States of Brazil. States with the highest number of measles cases, the highest number of cases of West Nile virus, outbreaks of Candida auris, the fungus that exhibits major invulnerability to various forms of chemical treatment, all products in the states with the largest number of illegal aliens or nearby. This seems to be the basis of the focus on measles vaccine, or measles vaccine. Rather than admit that the flow of illegal aliens that the Democratic Rackets Group wants to promote is so dangerous, they seek to inoculate or surreptitiously vaccinate people with a wide variety of diseases that aliens are likely to cause! Inventing a non-existent number of cases could be part of this agenda, like wll. But the combinations of all these different pathogens and substances used to preserve them and such can harm individuals, causing "autism"!


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