The measles outbreak in New Zealand exceeds 1,000 cases


Child with measlesCopyright of the image
Scientific photo library


Measles has had a worldwide resurgence in recent years

The ongoing measles outbreak in New Zealand has surpassed more than 1,000 confirmed cases.

A total of 1,051 people were affected between January 1 and September 5, 2019, the Ministry of Health said.

Measles is a highly contagious and potentially fatal disease that causes coughs, rashes and fever.

Although vaccination is effective and safe, some developed countries have experienced a resurgence of measles in recent years.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of cases quadrupled in the first three months of 2019 compared to the same period last year.

What's happening in New Zealand?

The epidemic in New Zealand is mainly concentrated around the country's largest city, Auckland, with 877 confirmed cases seen in that city.

The Ministry of Health has issued a statement asking all people aged 12 months to 50 years to be vaccinated if they have not already been.

Dr. Nikki Turner, director of the Advisory Center on Immunization, told Newshub, in New Zealand, that it was a "very sad" milestone to reach.

"It was totally predictable and avoidable, so it's very disappointing for us."

The authorities urge all people who feel sick to "stay out of work, school or public places, in order to avoid putting others at risk".

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Measles is easily preventable by vaccination

The ministry also issued a travel advisory to be vaccinated at least two weeks before traveling to Auckland.

The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention has issued an opinion on measles immunization before traveling to New Zealand.

The overall figures on the rise

Viral disease transmitted by coughing and sneezing, measles is one of the most contagious diseases in the world.

Although most people who catch this virus recover, this can lead to life-threatening complications.

  • Why is the United Kingdom seeing an increase in the number of measles cases?
  • Countries that trust vaccines less

Before the introduction of a vaccine in 1963 and widespread vaccination, "major epidemics occur about every two or three years and measles caused about 2.6 million deaths a year", according to the report. # 39; WHO.

The number of measles cases was steadily declining worldwide until 2016, when the disease experienced an upsurge.

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Legend of the mediaThe BBC investigated in 2018 the reasons for a measles epidemic in Europe

Earlier this year, the WHO declared that four European countries, including the United Kingdom, were no longer considered free of measles.

In 2018, there were 991 confirmed cases in England and Wales, up from 284 in 2017.

The increase in developed countries is partly due to the fact that some parents have fled vaccines for philosophical or religious reasons, or because, denied by medical science, vaccines are linked to autism.


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