The mission on a rare metal asteroid could trigger a mining boom in space


Anything that shines … can be gold. At least, that's what scientists think of a brilliant asteroid, the size of Massachusetts, which can be stuffed with precious metals.

NASA recently approved a mission to visit space rock, which orbits the sun in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The mission – the first on a metal asteroid – could reveal secrets about the early days of our solar system while laying the groundwork for a future space mining industry.

"We think the metallic class of asteroids is the trace of the old planetary nuclei," said Jim Bell, scientist in planetary sciences at Arizona State University in Tempe and NASA's Senior Research Scientist for Psyche Mission.

Bell said that the asteroid, known officially as (16) Psyche, could be the nucleus of a nascent planet that would have lost its outer layers after colliding with another object there is billions of years. "This is what we believe to be: the exposed nucleus of an ancient planetesimal of the first solar system," he said, adding that the near-Psyche study could allow scientists to better understand what is in center of our planet.

"We can not go to the center of the Earth because the pressures and temperatures are too high," he said. "The same goes for the nucleus of Mars, the moon and the other planets. But fortunately for us, we think that there is a core in the main asteroid belt that is exposed for us.


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