The “ Moon Registry ” lists the human heritage left on the lunar surface


March 11, 2021

– The moon may be devoid of humans (at least for now), but there is a lot of humanity scattered across the lunar surface. A new website lists items of human heritage that have been left on the moon, for posterity and the public.

The Moon Registry, presented by For All Moonkind, celebrates the sites and material that can now be found on Earth’s natural satellite. The free resource provides overviews of all the robotic and human missions that made contact with the moon, including details of items related to those excursions that also remain there today – from commemorative medallions and flags to rovers and experiments. scientists.

“The story of humans on the moon belongs to everyone on Earth,” said Michelle Hanlon, co-founder of For All Moonkind, a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting human heritage in space, in a statement. “We are working to achieve international recognition and protection of sites in space of universal historic value. As part of this effort, we want to make sure that the details of humanity’s incredible journey through space – past, present and future – are accessible to everyone. . “

Launched Thursday, March 11, the For All Moonkind lunar register contains entries for robotic and crewed missions to the moon dating back more than 50 years. Each recording contains a brief description and photographs of the mission, as well as a section for related items.

For example, each of Apollo’s moon landings has an entry for the lunar module descent stage that brought the astronauts to the surface, as well as an area to list the individual equipment and memorabilia that the members of the crew left behind.

“Visiting the moon has been an incredible privilege and experience,” said Charlie Duke, the Apollo 16 lunar module pilot, the tenth person to walk on the moon. “I can’t wait for someone to come back and find the photo of my family that I left behind. In the meantime, the For All Moonkind Lunar Record is a spectacular resource. It’s a small way to share this accomplishment of humanity with humanity. “

A work in progress, the Moon Registry invites crowdsourcing to correct errors, provide technical details and provide information on future missions. The site also collects personal stories of people who have contributed to space exploration and, in particular, flights to the moon.

“An interactive record of all material on the moon introduced by human activity is a valid cause, without a doubt,” said Apollo 17 astronaut and geologist Harrison Schmitt, who flew on the last Apollo mission to land humans on the lunar surface in 1972..

Designed by Creative Director Bernie Hogya, the Moon Registry is initially intended to serve as an educational resource and awareness tool for For All Moonkind. However, the platform can also support a variety of services for historians, engineers, archaeologists, and future lunar businesses.

“When you consider the importance of history as a compass for our future, it is shocking to realize how inaccessible it is,” said James Hansen, historian and author of “First Man,” the authoritative biography of astronaut Neil Armstrong. “The For All Moonkind lunar register is like a full access pass to the history of human activity on the moon.”

Better yet, the crowdsourcing feature will allow people who have worked on missions like Luna and Apollo to connect directly with the very students who will be inspired by their work to develop innovative solutions that we can’t even understand yet, ” Hansen said.


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