“The most inoculated place on Earth”? Disneyland to become Covid vaccination ‘super site’ in Anaheim, California – RT USA News


The original Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, Calif., Which closed at the start of the Covid-19 crisis in March, is expected to reopen later this week – but visitors will be offered vaccines instead of the usual attractions.

Orange County announced Monday that its first large coronavirus vaccination center will be set up in the iconic theme park. Described as a “Super POD” (distribution point), he can vaccinate “Thousands” residents every day, county officials said.

“The coronavirus has caused both a public health crisis and economic devastation”, Anaheim Mayor Harry Sidhu said in a written statement. “With this great site, we’ll start to overcome both.”

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As of Monday, distribution sites across California began administering injections to those deemed to be high-risk or high-priority, including law enforcement personnel, first responders, and people aged 75 and over. years and older.

Disneyland isn’t the only major site in California to be converted to a vaccination site. Dodgers Stadium, near Los Angeles, will also be home to a “Super POD”. The baseball stadium had previously been used as a Covid-19 test site.

Disney closed its parks at the start of the pandemic in March. Theme parks in Florida reopened over the summer, but Disney properties in California have yet to restart normal operations pending local and state government approval. However, parts of a shopping mall in Anaheim’s resort town, Downtown Disney, remained open.

The company laid off more than 30,000 employees, mostly at its theme parks, following the closure.

According to media reports, it could be months before the Anaheim theme park resumes normal operations. And when it reopens, proof of vaccination may be required for visitors. Disneyland Resort President Ken Potrock reported in December that all options were on the table when considering how to safely reopen. In neighboring Los Angeles County, health officials are already experimenting with a digital iPhone receipt for Covid-19 vaccinations, which could one day be used as a “passport” to travel and access the sites.

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