The mystery of the formation of the moon may have been solved


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By Charles Q. Choi,

A new study reveals that the moon may have formed after a giant rock the size of Mars struck a newborn earth covered with magma.

The Earth met about 4.5 billion years ago and previous research had suggested that the moon rose soon after. Over the past three decades, the main explanation for the origin of the moon was that it resulted from the collision of two protoplanets, or embryonic worlds. One of them was the Newborn Earth, and the other was a rock the size of Mars called Theia, named after the mother of the moon in the Greek myth. The moon then fused debris.

This "giant impact hypothesis" seemed to explain many details about the Earth and the Moon, such as the large size of the Moon compared to that of the Earth and the rotational rates of the two bodies. However, over the past 15 years or so, evidence has been found to challenge it and suggest a multitude of alternatives.

Related: How the moon formed: 5 wild lunar theories

Computer models of the giant-impact scenario often say that more than 60% of the moon should be made of Theia material. The problem is that most solar system bodies have a unique chemical composition and that the Earth, Theia and therefore the Moon should also be. However, rock samples from the moon show that its composition is strangely more similar to that of the Earth than what such models could predict with respect to the versions of elements called isotopes. (The isotopes of an element each have a different number of neutrons.)


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