The new hedonistic alternative to the Keto diet to try


The Keto diet is a fairly extreme departure from the conventional eating habits of most (and old) humans. The Dubrow diet, however, gives you more freedom and still gives you many health benefits (without limiting your carbohydrate intake to less than 50 grams a day, to keto).

If you know the value of a diet that gives a new face to your debauchery, it's a Hollywood celebrity. So it's not a surprise. The Dubrow diet was developed by Heather and Terry Dubrow, an influential couple from reality TV (Heather comes from The real housewives of Orange County, Terry is a plastic surgeon and host of the show botched)

Although Keto is still in vogue, the number of online articles on the conversion of Keto to Dubrow is increasing and, as Americans and Australians are interested in the French version of The Keto Diet (which presents dubrowing & # 39;) – The diet of Dubrow shows every chance of becoming the hedonist's alternative to keto.

So, even though the book The Dubrow Diet made its debut in 2018, it turns out to be a trend in vogue: it went unnoticed (the hashtag The Dubrow Diet has only 1,596 posts in his name) by compared to The Keto Diet, which has 6,102,626 The hashtags, which bear his name, have been around since the 1920s and have been popular since Lebron James tried it in 2014.

So, what is the Dubrow diet? "Dubrowing" is essentially a diabolical mix of keto diet and intermittent fasting, implemented in a three-phase plan (one of the most famous is Scarlett Johansen, who used it to get in shape for Avengers).

How it works? Basically, you are given a window each day where you can consume certain foods, with a time interval of 12 to 16 hours, depending on the part of the plan (phase one, two or three) that you follow.

Phase 1.

The first phase of The Dubrow Diet triggers your calorie burning by telling you to fast 16 hours a day. This is like skipping breakfast and not having lunch before around 11am (if you had dinner the day before at 7pm) or 1pm (if you had dinner the day before at 9pm).

Phase 2.

Once you have reached your weight goal (using phase one), you then enter phase two of the Dubrow diet; Fasting 12 hours five days a week (most people choose to do it Monday to Friday) and fasting 16 hours two days a week (weekend deals for victory).

Phase 3.

Like phase two, but with a cheat meal allowed every week.

Potential health benefits

Heather Dubrow's website says that fasting 16 to 12 hours a day can not only help you lose weight, but also reduce insulin, fight chronic inflammation, change your skin and even activate a self-cleaning cellular process anti-aging.

What can you eat on the Dubrow diet?

Unlike the Keto diet, which recommends a fairly strict formula for daily food intake (70% fat, 20% protein and less than 10% carbohydrate), the Durbrow diet simply puts the emphasis on the consumption of good quality unprocessed food (think: all the same proteins and vegetables as the Keto diet, the more fruit you want and a less zealous phobia of carbohydrates).

During the first phase of the diet, you are supposed to stick to 1,000 to 1,200 calories a day, which, according to people who have tried it: "It's not as bad as it sounds" . Like Rachael Martin, writing for Soul of the bodySay, "I found that with an eight-hour window to consume my food for the day, I literally did not have the time to accumulate more calories than that."

According to Rachael, another difference from Keto is that once you reach the second and third phases of your diet, "the Dubrows encourage you to reintroduce (in moderation) carbohydrates, sugar and alcohol into your diet. your diet to make the diet sustainable. "

If ready as the carafe.

Is it easy to stick to the Dubrow diet?

The third phase of the Dubrow plan seems easier to follow than the Keto diet – something that Rachael Martin, who tested the Dubrow diet, can explain.

"I found that the flexibility in food choices allowed in the diet allowed for meal planning and, more importantly, to eat food on the fly, quite easily. In addition, as a pescadarian, the lack of focus on meat consumption was a welcome change from other weight loss plans, "she wrote.

"The fact that the regime becomes a little less strict in later phases has also made the task easier. In the first weeks of Phase 1, when I struggled, I knew that there was a light at the end of the tunnel (and a glass of wine at the end of the week). "

The disadvantages of Dubrow Diet

Although Rachael (in our opinion) exaggerates the "growing list of suspicious (and quite nasty) side effects of the sound (keto diet no matter who?)" From the Keto diet, the Dubrow regime also has disadvantages.

according to Health Line, the Dubrow diet focuses on your short-term appearance (read: weight loss) and slow down panels of aging "rather than improving your overall health."

The diet also provides fairly general food (and quantity) recommendations to eat, which less experienced dieters may find it difficult to follow or, worse yet, may encourage novices to eat too few calories.

In addition, although reducing calories may promote weight loss, Healthline warns that "not eating enough can hurt your metabolism and may have side effects like fatigue, weakness, mood changes and a lack of concentration."

Oh, and although intermittent fasting is generally considered safe, it is not recommended for people with certain health problems, such as type 1 diabetes or low blood pressure (or anyone with a history of feeding).

What the experts say

Melissa Meier, Accredited Registered Dietitian Practitioner Soul of the body she was able to see the short-term benefits of the Dubrow diet, but is less sure of the ease with which it is easy to keep up.

"Overall, the Dubrow diet is similar to intermittent fasting, but instead of dictating only when you can and can not eat, it also has limits on what you eat."

"Just like intermittent fasting, it will probably help to lose weight, although its restrictions suggest that it will not be sustainable in the long run for most people. I also very carefully adopt any diet that limits certain foods or food groups because it is likely that you will miss important nutrients, "she added.

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