The new seasonal content of Destiny 2 looks a lot like a combat pass •


Yesterday, Bungie posted very good news on how he will manage the new seasons of the third year of Destiny 2.

With four seasons scheduled for the third year, each season will begin with a new seasonal event, the first being Season of the Undying, which will begin with the Shadowkeep Expansion events.

Each player will be able to see how the universe of Destiny will change during each season and, at the end of it, the collective actions of all Destiny 2 players will cause a change of state in the world. However, those who buy a season pass will have access to a "custom seasonal activity" that will allow them to benefit from "that extra level of sweet equipment".

"With each new season in Destiny, we want players to feel that their community is contributing to the changing world of Destiny.Every season in Destiny must balance things out: creating world-wide, self-sustaining arcs throughout the season." and Bungie wrote in an article on his website.

As for the rewards of the new season, Bungie will add "two new predictable rewards lawsuits" to add more transparency while letting the player have his random "throws".

The first novelty of Season of the Undying is a seasonal artefact, which each player can get, whether or not he buys a season pass.


This artifact will increase the level, unlocking mods of Armor 2.0 and increasing the power level of your guardian when you gain experience XP playing. These artifacts will disappear at the end of the season. So you can play with a new artefact and mods in the next season.

"The power of artifacts adds directly to your overall power and affects the entire account," writes Bungie. "We are both excited and a little terrified to see how high level players will be able to increase their artifact power over the course of the season."

And then there's the Season Pass itself, which looks a lot like a battle pass.


There will be 100 ranks to be won each season with free and premium rewards, and each new Season Pass will cost $ 10 (the exact UK price is not confirmed yet) if you wish to access these premium rewards.

You will earn XP for the Season Pass by doing only what you already do in the game, but as all Destiny fans know, the game is used to make things like this a bit difficult. That's why Bungie will give players the opportunity to buy Season Pass levels by the end of the season. If you feel that you are going to miss something, you will be able to catch up, but nothing is said. However, you will have to pay a currency in the game like Silver Dust or real money for them.

Bungie has already listed some of the spoils you can get as part of the Season of the Undying Pass. If you are interested, you can view the rest of the information on Bungie's post.

Destiny: New Light and the Shadowkeep extension will be launched on October 1st.


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