‘The numbers don’t lie,’ says Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville as he urges COVID vaccination


Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville is asking residents of his home state to consider the facts with the COVID-19 vaccines and the masking during a recent press appeal. He invited the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Infirmary Health, Dr. Joe T. Stough, to talk about what he sees with COVID-19 on the ground.

“This is probably the scariest I have ever had as a medical professional in my career,” said Dr Stough.

“We find ourselves, unfortunately, in the grip of this pandemic. We believe that much of what we see today could have been avoided had we had better use of vaccines.

Infirmary Health only had 22 inpatients at its three hospitals – Mobile Infirmary, Thomas Hospital and North Baldwin Infirmary – during the July 4 weekend, Dr Stough said.

As of August 4, there were 236 COVID-19 positive patients. In the mobile infirmary, 29% of the patient population is positive for COVID-19. 37% at Thomas Hospital and 45% in North Baldwin are also positive.

Although the strain of COVID-19 is apparent in patients, Dr Stough pointed out that the healthcare system is experiencing its own side effects.

“It limits our ability to deal with common, everyday illnesses,” he said. “It’s a much larger conversation about impacts. It’s not necessarily “do people get sick, don’t they get sick with COVID?” It’s really about (how) we are unable to meet the day-to-day needs of the communities we serve due to the burden associated with these COVID patients. “

Following Dr Stough’s remarks, Tuberville said “this information can really save lives,” and that he hopes the people of Alabama will take this information into account when deciding to get vaccinated.

“I listened to the Trump administration’s news on Operation Warp Speed,” Tuberville said. “I spoke to my doctor and I spoke to my family members. In the end, I made the decision to get the shot when it was first offered. “

According to the Associated Press, less than one percent of COVID-19-related deaths were in people who were fully vaccinated.

“The numbers don’t lie,” Tuberville said. “The vaccine keeps you and your family members safe and free to move on with your life without fear of becoming seriously ill. “

Although Tuberville is begging his constituents to get vaccinated, he remains a firm believer that mask or lockdown warrants are not suitable for Alabama or the nation.

“We don’t need to close,” he said. “We have to keep our small businesses open, our manufacturing open. We have to get back to work. We have to get back to growth in this country… We have to fight this virus because, as I said earlier, it could be around for a long time.


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