The planet three times the size of Jupiter discovered, its distance from the Earth


Astronomers from the Lick Observatory in California, the Keck Observatory in Hawaii and the McDonald Observatory in Texas have discovered this gigantic planet. According to them, the planet is three times larger than Jupiter, something they have never seen before.

They call it HR 5183b and it's about 100 light-years away from the constellation Virgo. Astronomers say that he has a long orbit looping around a star in the constellation. Using tiny flickers of light from its star star caused by its gravitational pull, astronomers have been able to calculate how huge the planet is.

If it were in our solar system, its orbit would take it beyond Neptune and lie within Jupiter's orbit, over a distance of 3 722,670,000 km.

"Our universe is full of strange solar systems, totally different from ours," said one of the scientists behind this discovery, said Sarah Blunt at 7 News. "It seems that every time we think we have found the strangest solar system, something totally strange is discovered."

She says that the orbit of HR 5183B is similar to that of "whiplash" because it slides near the star's intense gravitational pull, then slowly attenuates it to as it moves away.

Other plants with such eccentric orbits have been discovered, but the HR 5183b is the only one to orbit at such a great distance. Blunt says astronomers can simulate the formation of the planet to learn more about the conditions that led to its creation.


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